From the start this drama seems to be too boring and confusing yet for the unique story plot we continued watching it and now we are g...

The Nosy Employee Ra Won leaves the Job - My Shy Boss: Episode 10 Preview

By | Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Leave a Comment
My Shy Boss: Episode 10 Preview

From the start this drama seems to be too boring and confusing yet for the unique story plot we continued watching it and now we are glad to see thing coming on their on specially the BOSS Hwang Gi was overcoming his social phobia.

His transformation was too cute to be turning normal and interacting with the employees. Look like Ra Won did a brilliant job with her annoying nature and nosy personality.

the annoying female employee ra won leaves the job - My Shy Boss: Episode 10 Preview

We thought while doing the zombie make up Ra Won and Hwan Gi would have a kiss but it didn't happen probably. There might be another scene to start their real chemistry can't wait to see how Ra Won and Hwang Gi end up for their first kiss.
As things started getting better Hwang Gi Team was responding towards his signals and started to understand him. We never thought Ji Hye the female lead will going to reappear. She will surely ruine Hwan Gi's smile being clingy and getting on his nerves by her insisting behavior. Comparing her to Ra Won she was too glamorous to fit with Hwang Gi's nature.

eun hwan gi saw every where ra won and want him back atthe job - My Shy Boss: Episode 10 Preview

Ra Won without any clear reason leave the job this effect Hwang Gi the more. Every where he feel her presence and couldn't make his mind at peace after she was gone. Looking forward for the next episode. Hope every thing go well with Hwang Gi and Ra Won.
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