Things become more interesting as the police took the mermaid Sim Jung with them to the police station. It was another hilarious scene...

The mermaid at the police station - The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 1 (Our Thoughts)

By | Sunday, November 27, 2016 Leave a Comment
 sim chung the mermaid pull the gun over police man - The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 1 (Eng Sub)

Things become more interesting as the police took the mermaid Sim Jung with them to the police station. It was another hilarious scene how she reacted all the way to the station as it was her first time in human world and seeing things like this. For the police man she appears to be the mental case.

 joon jae when saw sim chun picture notice the jade bracelet and sim chung act weird in the police car and then scared of the moving door at the police station- The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 1 (Eng Sub)

We really laugh out as she saw the fishes in the aquarium she scared them by glaring and using a weird sound. The officer tried to investigate but of no use. As she can't speak human language in the end the officer was frustrated seeing her playing with the tissue paper box.

sim chung scared the aqarium fishes and then started to play with the tissue paper at the police station - The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 1 (Eng Sub)

All she act was the imitation seeing the other people do she depict and do the same. She out of no where kick the officer and pull the gun on him. Every one was sacred then she herself threw the gun away and started to play with the tissue paper. Her act pisses of the police officer.

 sim chung kick the police office, pull the gun and after that again started to play with the tissue papers - The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 1 (Eng Sub)
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