Hwa Shin couldn't control Na Ri as she was way being too stubborn. On the way back to the home Hwa Shin stop by Granny's store bum...

Marry Me (Real Ramen Proposal) - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 20 (Our Thoughts)

By | Sunday, November 13, 2016 Leave a Comment
Hwa Shin couldn't control Na Ri as she was way being too stubborn. On the way back to the home Hwa Shin stop by Granny's store bum was sitting outside. He stayed there and Na ri also came seeing Na Ri calm he now couldn't do anything but to kiss bum on his cheeks. 

hwa shin ask na if he kiss her cheeks too  - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 20 (Eng sub)

It wasn't just only on one cheek but he kissed on the other side also and seeing Na Ri still calm and quite he repeats are yu not going to get angry. It made us think that Pyo Na Ri wasn't enough stubborn as compare to Lee Hwa Shin.

 hwa shin kiss bum on one cheek then on the other and ask na ri id he do this to her too - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 20 (Eng sub)

Na Ri invites Hwa Shin to her home for dinner but hwa shin cook ramen for Na Ri. While having ramen Hwa Shin lectured Na Ri over her reactions and facial expression while live on the camera. He also told her the difference between the reporter anchor and the announcer anchor and it was also a great information for us also.

Before we thought when the reporters become senior they become announcers. But terminology and thing weren't that easy and that easy in the news room world.

 hwa shin cook ramen for na ri and started lecturing her about the newsroom - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 20 (Eng sub)

Na Ri still didn't react over Hwa Shin's lecture but it was the end when Hwa Shin directly hit Na Ri that she never had a habit to read the news paper that why she was plain while live. Finally Na Ri realize and come to knew the reason why Hwa Shin made her leave the second half as he don't want to ruin the live broadcast for election campaign with Na Ri's plain reporting.
It wasn't just only not ruining the broadcast also don't want to loose the viewers distract their attention in election campaign result broadcast. When Hwa Shin points the main reason we also have the habit to switch on other channel when found the news being too plain and boring.

 now na ri burst on hwa shin that he doesn't trust her enough and let her leave the election broadcast - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 20 (Eng sub)

Na Ri hearing all this burst out and told Hwa Shin it was really hard for her to pretend all time. Also she was too hard broken that Hwa Shin didn't trust her to go along with her for the second half. Na Ri also told Hwa Shin that the reason she wasn't arguing she don't ant to hear the word "Let's breakup" that's why she was holding it in as she also needs time to become a perfect one.

na ri told hwa shin she didn't fight back then because he will ask for break up but its hard to pretend  - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 20 (Eng sub)

Seeing Hwa Shin expression we thought as soon he open his mouth he will ask "Let's breakup". But reporter Lee Hwa Shin was as usual unpredictable. Beside saying Let's breakup he said "Let's get married". He wasn't angry at all now on Na Ri instead he told her that she look lot more adorable and lovely when ever she is angry arguing and fighting with her.

I will cook ramen a 1000 time for you excluding these two and it was the proposal from Hwa Shin for real which shocked Na Ri and surprised us.

 hwa shin propose na ri marry me and told exclude 2 ramen from the 1000 ramen he will cook the remaining - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 20 (Eng sub)
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