The story become more interesting yet it was the second episode. Jin Ah become little suspicious of Chul Soo after receiving the call...

You Look Like a Good Man - Naked Fireman - Episode 2 (Drama Review)

By | Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Leave a Comment
chul soo pick jin ah in his arms on the rooftop - Naked Fireman - Episode 2

The story become more interesting yet it was the second episode. Jin Ah become little suspicious of Chul Soo after receiving the call of Detective Nam. She was too scared but Chul Soo helped her with the first aid for her injured foot. She wanted to go away from Chul Soo as soon as possible which makes Chul Soo all suspicious of her act.

 chul soo give first aid to jin ah as she hurt her foot - Naked Fireman - Episode 2

We never thought Chul Soo will going to pick her up in his arm in order to avoid the foot wound infection. She was hesitating and become annoyed of Chul Soo's sudden act. She couldn't judge him as she was thinking about the criminal record he has. But Chul Soo who has a kind heart and the fireman who saves others life couldn't stay still and take her to the hospital.

chul soo was worried for jin ah that she might hurt again while crossing the stairs so he pick jin ah in his arms  - Naked Fireman - Episode 2

Jin Ah's aunt was having an affair with Seong Jin and they planned to rob Jin Ah. In their plan it was suggested by Seong Jin to sell Jin Ah's painting and leave for abroad.

At the hospital Jin Ah couldn't stay still in curiosity and ask Chul Soo why didn't he ask her about what happened.  As Chul Soo replied girls can become curious about man's room hearing this she come up with a excuse she was only trying to clean up as it was too dirty. It was her act of clearing things that she wasn't trying to steal anything and we smiled when Chul Soo said there was nothing precious to be stolen.

 seong jin made a plan with jin ah's aunt to stole the paintings and at hospital jin ah said thank you to chul soo for the help - Naked Fireman - Episode 2

Chul Soo was also curious why she is giving a handsome amount for nude painting not the whole just the top, may be its a scam. So he asked her about the advance and received 2000$ which surprised him.
At the station Chul Soo was found out that he was seeing a girl. We thought they will beat him but they made his appearance into a decent man.

 jin ah give advance money for the painting model to chul soo - Naked Fireman - Episode 2

It was the first session of the nude model painting. As Chul Soo was curious about something and wanted to ask but Jin Ah who don't want to be disturb while working show her scarried side. She reveal how she stab a crazy stalker with the sharp pencil and after it he called her the crazy psycho.

 during the sketch jin ah showed her evil side to chul soo so he won't interrupt her during sketch  - Naked Fireman - Episode 2

As the thank you and being greatful Jin Ah wanted to treat Chul Soo. Basically it was her plan to make him angry but nothing happened there other than the plan fails. Another man appear who once was the stalker of Jin Ah and got stabbed by her. he tried to blackmail her by uploding his videos and pictures on internet. Chul Soo followed that stalker and Jin Ah reminded her memory 10 years back the way Chul Soo ran then and now.

 chul soo taugh a lesson to jin ah's stalker- Naked Fireman - Episode 2

The stalker end up in the road accident and was pleading for help. We thought no body would come to help him but being the fireman Chul Soo helped him. Jin Ah when saw the fire on smashed car helped Chul Soo in saving the stalker.

The stalker thanks Chul Soo for saving his life and in return he Chul Soo ask for his mobile phone that way Jin Ah was able to delete all the pictures and videos.

jin ah's stalker end into an accident chul soo and jin ah rescue him - Naked Fireman - Episode 2

Things didn't end there but Jin Ah's aunt become the accomplice with Seong Jin for stealing Jin Ah's painting. It reminded us of the scene in the first episode where Seong Jin steal Jin Ah's painting 10 years ago thinking this child art will be worth precious of dollars.

Jin Ah and Chul Soo was back she wanted to put medicine on Chul so face who was hurt because of her. Look like it was their romantic scene when Jin Ah said "You look like a good man" and touch his face he become nervous and ask for the washroom. There he found out Seong Jin and Jin Ah's aunt hiding. They beg him to make way for them leave.

 seong jin and her aunt were hiding in the bathroom and ask help from chul soo and jin ah call the detective who really is the criminal - Naked Fireman - Episode 2

Things become more complicated when Detective Nam turned out to be the real criminal who hold on the weapon. He told Jin Ah to leave something precious in Chul So's jacket and that way they can press charges to arrest him. The episode ends when Jin Ah was hanging on the cliff what to do. Stay tuned to find out will Jin Ah going to trap Chul Soo for detective Nam's order. 
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