We were too curious to knew what will happen at TQ with chief kim and Seo Yeol. After Chief kim find out the executive will going to m...

Kim Seyong helped Seo Yeol rescue - Chief Kim: Episode 17 Preview

By | Friday, March 31, 2017 Leave a Comment
Chief Kim: Episode 17 Preview

We were too curious to knew what will happen at TQ with chief kim and Seo Yeol. After Chief kim find out the executive will going to make him the scape goat he became too confuse and couldn't digest the fact what does they mean by scape goat.

Chief kim stopped the director to announce the final audit result as he found the evidence left by Chief Lee in the micro chip. We were happy that some how things solve easily, every one in accounting department was happy but chief kim feel; the air was a little strange.

chief kim stopped the auditors to wrap up - Chief Kim: Episode 17 Preview

As chief kim found out the accounting fraud the executives then drag Director Seo Yeol and blame every thing on him. It was so disappointed and ridiculous that Chief Kim wasn't the scape goat actually it was for Seo Yeol. It was an irritating situation chief kim feel sorry for Seo yeol and step a head to help him.

This wasn't easy enough both Seo Yeol and chief weren't on good terms the way chief kim laugh was so loud and funny and the way Seo yeol reacts was full of frustration. It was the moment when two enemies turned into friends and later into brotherhood was a good sign, but before this happen Seo Yeol got kidnapped. 

With the help of Seo Yeol right hand man who install tracker in Seo yeol's chocolate bar they found the location and knock down the bad people. It was so funny to see the two copied Goblin Style and walked to safe Seo yeol. Two more episodes to left stay tuned to knew how they will turn Chairman Park down. 

TQ chairman blame accounting fraud on seo yeol chief kim helped him rescue - Chief Kim: Episode 17 Preview
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