Hwa Shin become insane he had nothing in his mind except " Let's Breakup ". He came to visit his mother and was scolded ...

Hwa Shin Dumped Na Ri - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 23 (Our Thoughts)

By | Sunday, November 13, 2016 Leave a Comment
 hwa shin told chi yeol na ri is clingy on him take her - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 23 (Eng sub)

Hwa Shin become insane he had nothing in his mind except "Let's Breakup". He came to visit his mother and was scolded by her on the live report in which announce him as one of the breast cancer patients. His mother was worried now the whole world knew about his illness.

He then ask his mother "Let's Break Up" lolx the mother who was mentally shock hit him how can you breakup with your mother. Then smilingly to himself its easy to say it now but why is it so hard to say it to her.

 hwa shin ask her mother let's break up and she hit him - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 23 (Eng sub)

Pyo Na Ri invites Hwa Shin let;s have dinner together. Without hesitating he agreed. During the dinner Hwa Shin argued he wanted rice but Na ri ask for udon. So he won't only have udon he want it with Soju. During the dinner Na Ri invites Hwa Shin to her home let's have dinner together after Chi Yeol entrance exams. Hwa Shin refused as he knew Chi Yeol doesn't like him.

na ri ask hwa shin for dinner  they both go eat udon and then na ri invite hwa shin to her house to meet chi yeol but hwa shin said chi yeol doesn't like him  - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 23 (Eng sub)

Then finally Hwa Shin told Na Ri let's breake up and Na Ri thought he is afraid of his brother in law Chi Yeol that's why he is being like this. Then thinking of what Na Ri with her mouth told Hwa Shin is it because he is impotent that why he wante dto breakup.

It surprised Hwa Shin so were we how come Na Ri knew the reason, Hwa SHin acting so weird. Was she really innocent or insane that she is revealing it with her own mouth no man in the world could over come this type of reality infront of his women that he is no longer a man and is impotent.  

 hwa shin ask na ri lets breakup and na ri told its because you are impotent - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 23 (Eng sub)

Hwa Shin become all angry and thought Na Ri was playing with his emotions and toying him all this time she knew about it and now making fun of him. Now he thought it would be good Na Ri knew the reason and they can breakup easily but as always Na Ri was too stubborn she don't want to break up and told Hwa Shin  that its ok without kids but for Hwa Shin he don't want himself to be pitted to the women he loves. He then again to Na Ri Let's breakup.

hwa shin said na ri is pity me it fine let's breakup now she already knew the truth  - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 23 (Eng sub)

Na Ri told Hwa Shin its not too long she just knew it about few days when Hwa Shin went in hiding. She visit the doctor and finally find out the reason.

 na ri told she go to see the female doctor and she told her about hwa shin condition he cant born child - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 23 (Eng sub)

After getting dumped by Hwa Shin, Na Ri showed her most ever clinginess and didn't give up on him. She went to his house knock the door and grab Hwa Shin's collar and drag him out. We though she go with the bold act and kiss him but she did nothing except arguing let's not breakup.

 na ri grab hwa shin by collar and ask if he isn't fed up from her don't breakup but hwa shin said lets break up - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 23 (Eng sub)

Hwa Shin again told Na rI the reality how can she live without kids but Na Ri then didn't give up she wante dto give it a try and ask Hwa Shin let's sleep together and then see what happened nothing impossible we should give it a chance. But Hwa Shin refuse to go along with  Na Ri's decision as he knew his condition well. So he don't want Na Ri to have hopes and then suffers.

na ri said to hwa shin lets give it a try sleep together when ever he brought instant noodles  - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 23 (Eng sub)

She didn't listen any of Hwa Shin excuse and tried to pursue him "Let's get married" but Hwa SHin insisted "Let's Breakup". Seeing his serious facial expression Na Ri finally realize that she got dumped for real and in anger left saying "You won't regret it, let's break up".

 na ri ask hwa shin marry me and hwa shin said lets breakup - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 23 (Eng sub)

But the stubborn Na Ri didn' leave she just lay on the bench outside Hwa Shin's apartment. It was the warning that she won't leave Hwa Shin side Hwa Shin side even though she got dumped and broke up with him.

He couldn't stand Na Ri's presence around him and told her to get lost this happen to be heard by Chi Yeol who was on the balcony watching them. He shout in anger on Hwa Shin how can he treat a lady like that. Chi Yeol was the one who every time and face off with Hwa Shin kock him down with his words.

 na ri ask hwa shin to make a last bowl of instant noodles and hwa shin ask chi yeol to take his sister away from him - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 23 (Eng sub)
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