As per kings order baek Ah came to meet Wang Wook who's been living as an exiled life in his hometown. Seeing Baek Ah Wook face sh...

Wang Wook Regrets - Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Episode 20 Finale (Our Thoughts)

By | Saturday, November 05, 2016 Leave a Comment
 baek Ah go to meet with 8th Prince wang wook - Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Episode 20 Finale (Eng Sub)

As per kings order baek Ah came to meet Wang Wook who's been living as an exiled life in his hometown. Seeing Baek Ah Wook face shine for a little but we couldn't find any true emotions for living a life as he realize that he committed lot many crimes and did wrong towards many people.

He sure had to pay back he was terminally ill but didn't let BaeK Ah knew about his health Still he has lot of interests in palace affair. He talked about King spending time in reading books. Once he had a lot of interest in books but he use his intelligence for wrong purpose in a wrong way.

 wook told baek ah he wanted to see what kind of king will be Wang So - Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Episode 20 Finale (Eng Sub)

The regrets were showing off from Wook's face that he really miss palace life but one couldn't turn the time back. He wanted to knew how the king was doing did he become the Kind King. Baek Ah couldn't help himself ask Wook does he still miss Hae Soo? and Wook face was blank like a paper he replied there are faces he can't stop thinking about and even don't want to forget them.
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