It was Wook who was playing the role of aunt in law in the palace back biting and creating conspiracies. It wasn't it he also tried to...

Baek Ah & Woo Hee Bath House Kiss - Moon Lovers - Episode 19 (Our Thoughts)

By | Friday, November 04, 2016 Leave a Comment
It was Wook who was playing the role of aunt in law in the palace back biting and creating conspiracies. It wasn't it he also tried to shake relationships and cut off King's hands as he had a sharp mind he used it in the evil manner and pursue King to send Baek Ah on the war. When King refuse that Baek Ah couldn't handle the soldiers and the field out he only new about music and arts so he wouldn't able to do good.

 baek Ah kiss woo hee in damiwon - Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Episode 19

Listening this Wang Wook accuse King that there are rumors in the palace he is been favouring Baek Ah a lot. This conversation happen to heard by Baek Ah and before King says anything he ask King's permission to let him go on the war this time. We really feel bad for poor Baek Ah as he don't have any good skills ain martial arts and fight still he wanted to protect the king reputation and avoid rumors.

Before going on the war he wanted to spend time with his beloved Woo He. It was their most ever romantic scene in which the bath house. Baek Ah look so cute taking care of Woo Hee he tie her hairs and told her that he will be going on a war. This makes Woo Hee a little sad he request Baek Ah to come alive as she don't want to live her life like a widow.

Hearing this Baek Ah propose Woo Hee "Let's get married" as he will be back after the war. After this sweet proposal they both had their happy time loving each other. Baek Ah kissed Woo Hee and showed how much he loves her and don't want to live apart. Seeing them like this we wish them a happy life and cursing Wook that why the hell he shake up Baek Ah's life.

 baek ah proposed woo hee for marriage and then they both kiss- Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Episode 19

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