Hae Soo started to live at 14th Prince house. Though they didn't develop an intimate relationship being husband and wife still both we...

Hae Soo & Jung Happy Moments - Moon Lovers Ryeo - Episode 20 Finale (Our Thoughts)

By | Saturday, November 05, 2016 Leave a Comment
Hae Soo started to live at 14th Prince house. Though they didn't develop an intimate relationship being husband and wife still both were good to each other. Hae Soo use to draw sketches on stones as she miss all her prince friends. While she draw the 14th Prince use to practice his Martial arts infront of her. 

Wang Jung ask Hae Soo to take good care of his husband - Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Episode 20 Finale (Eng Sub)

As Hae Soo saw Jung all tired she ask him to stop practicing and take a little rest. Jung saw someone peeking at them as he was too sharp he don't want anyone to get a wrong idea. He came towards Hae Soo and ask her to wipe his sweat face. He wanted to knew how Hae Soo is good to her husband.

 hae Soo draw picture of king wang so on the stone and saw Wang Jung while weilding the sward- Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Episode 20 Finale (Eng Sub)

Hae Soo treat all her friends equally and it doesn't matter to her it doesn't matter to her if one is male or female. She treat Jung like this too with the caring heart smiling on him. Then Jung bought Hae Soo back to her room we wonder who was spying on them may be King had put someone, may be its Wook or may be its Jung's family and the reason and the reason they wanted to be sure of both relation.

Jung was taking care of  Hae Soo as he was worried for her health he asked for the Royal Physician to come by at his house. The physician examin Hae Soo and told the happy news that he feel the pulse of a baby. Waah Hae Soo got pregnant and it sure was King Wang So's child.

 the royal doctor came and told hae soo about the unborn baby - Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Episode 20 Finale (Eng Sub)

Jung didn't say anything neither he was angry aside from it he become worried for Hae Soo's health as of now Hae Soo will be a lady who's about to bear a child and was weak too. Hae Soo told them not to worry she is ok as soon as the baby is ok.

But there for sure was complications as the doctor already Hae Soo about her weak health , her heart problem and the knee pain which effects her health. Knowing all this Jung ask the doctor to stay here for few days and look for Hae Soo. As a friend Jung proved to be th eone who is now taking care of Hae Soo in her most difficult and lonely time.

 hae soo life was in danger because of the baby wang jung told the royal doctor to stay some days here - Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Episode 20 Finale (Eng Sub)

King Wang So was too angry on Hae Soo and Jung as he received the tip about their being happy. He couldn't believe he told Ji Monk that Baek Ah told him earlier that it was just a marriage only for formality and now that 14th Prince wife had watched them taking care of each other, holding hands and cherish love what's all this.
With his temper he just saw the outside and again misunderstood Hae Soo's relation with Jung and was now burning in jealousy and anger. Ji Monk tried to take Hae Soo side indirectly saying you know her nature she treats every one without caring for their gender and as for Jung he was he was his best friend from childhood so its natural for them to act like this. But nothing could help to cool down King's temper. At this moment Wang So looks really scary.

 As wang so put an spy on wang jung house he was angry why hae soo is soo friendly with wang Jung like a wife - Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Episode 20 Finale (Eng Sub)

It became Hae Soo's habit to draw sketches on stones while Jung use to practices martial arts. Unfortunately she wasn't feeling well and her health was a little down too. She was about to lose her conscious and Jung saw he quickly ran seeing hae Soo's pale face. He took her in his arms towards  the room.

This scene happen to witness by King Wang So himself. Seeing them caring for each other like this breaks King's wang So trust and heart at the same moment and he threw Hae Soo away.

 king wang so go there to see hae so and wang jung but that time wang jung holding hae soo in his arms taking he rto the room - Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Episode 20 Finale (Eng Sub)

To take care of Hae Soo jung didn't leave her alone in the room. He stayed with her they both talked about many thing remembering their childhood. It was Jung who first realize that he have been aged and ask Hae Soo does she remember they first met. Talking about the past he finally make Hae Soo smile.

because of the baby Hae Soo is unwell Wang Jung sleep in her room and they talk the old memories - Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Episode 20 Finale (Eng Sub)

She remember it was first when she happen to came after Jung to save him from the thug who took him to the forest. Hae Soo holding a stick run after them to save Jung and told the thugs that she will take their livers out and we laughed.

With that wooden stick what can she do still she use words as the threat not to harm Jung. She happen to be brave and it was the first time Jung fall for her.  Listening to the old memories Jung become all excited and told Hae Soo that he had never seen a girl so brave and full of energy.

 wang jung then told Hae Soo when she first came in prince bath house she was a sly back then also and saw everything - Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Episode 20 Finale (Eng Sub)

Then Jung remind her how Hae Soo snuck into Damiwon and spied on them when they were bathing. Hae Soo with that innocent expression denied that she wasn't spying and neither she saw anything she was upset that she didn't saw anything.  Those sweet memories were the real treasure Hae Soo had while living among the prince in Goreyo.

We thought King Wang So would have been left but he stayed there. Till the night arrived he again witness Jung didn't leave Hae Soo's room. Which means they share the same room, both were chatting and laughing he got the wrong idea just by hearing their voices and looking their room light.

That's how the misunderstanding takes place when you don't want to believe what pother says how their nature is but you believe what you saw and also at times there are things which are totally opposite on the front and on the other side they are as it is. Same happened with Jung, Hae Soo and King Wang So.

while wang jung and hae soo talking and laughing intheir room King Wang Soo was outside the house watching their room in anger  - Moon Lovers Scarlet Heart Ryeo - Episode 20 Finale (Eng Sub)

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