As the episode ends we got excited to watch will their any other surprise hidden other than Lee Min Ho or will Soo Jin going to choo...

Funny Bloopers of Lee Min Ho & Soo Jin from First Seven Kisses - Episode 8 ends

By | Tuesday, January 17, 2017 Leave a Comment
Funny Bloopers of Lee Min Ho & Soo Jin from First Seven Kisses - Episode 8 ends

As the episode ends we got excited to watch will their any other surprise hidden other than Lee Min Ho or will Soo Jin going to choose a boyfriend finally yet there wasn't any thing like this. But we got to see the bloopers and the making of episode 8. It was really fun watching how they forgot their lines and the expression turned out blank dummy.

Funny Bloopers of Lee Min Ho & Soo Jin from First Seven Kisses - Episode 8 ends

Watching few scenes of the blooper we sure the team really had fun while shooting the drama and specially this episode with lee Min Ho. Here are few of the images of Lee Min ho, Soo Jin bloopers from episode 8 have fun watching it.

Funny Bloopers of Lee Min Ho & Soo Jin from First Seven Kisses - Episode 8 ends
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