Bok Joo become more lively after the love confession of Joon Hyung . The two love birds were getting along and enjoying their secret dati...

The Pimple on the Nose - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Preview Ep 14 (Our Thoughts)

By | Wednesday, January 04, 2017 Leave a Comment
Bok Joo become more lively after the love confession of Joon Hyung. The two love birds were getting along and enjoying their secret dating. We wonder what will be Bok Joo's father reaction as he saw the two of them cherishing each other at the sport Campus.

The next episode will surely have the interesting stuff as Bok Joo started to avoid Joon Hyung due to the sudden pimple on her nose. She will show her feminine side to every one by hiding her face and shocking expressions.

Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Ep 14 Preview

As the preview Joon Hyung become all suspicious of Bok Joo's behaviour as she started to avoid him for no reason and was not showing any where at the campus neither at the cafeteria.  He found his way and sneak in to Bok Joo's room which shocked her.
We never expected Joon Hyung to be this romantic so was Bok Joo as he tried to steal a kiss from Bok Joo her friends barged in the room. This will turned out surely be an embarrassing situation. Stay tuned to watch Bok Joo, Joon Hyung reaction in the next episode.

Also see: Hwarang Ep 4 Preview 
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Ep 14 Preview
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