The Queen of Silla finally gave the permission to Wi Hwa Kong regarding Hwarang training. In order to gather the army Wi Hwa Kong gave A...

Will The King & Moo Myung able to Save A Ro - Hwarang Preview Ep 4 (Our Thoughts)

By | Wednesday, January 04, 2017 Leave a Comment
The Queen of Silla finally gave the permission to Wi Hwa Kong regarding Hwarang training. In order to gather the army Wi Hwa Kong gave A Ro a task to gather the information on the beautiful passionate and talented young people. Story become more interesting as all the flower boys had a clash between them yet they were dragged to the platform of Hwarang.

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Things weren't just only for the elite flower boys but the King Sam Maek Jong also showed interest to join Hwarang. He wanted to prove himself and started to had a crush on A Ro which turned into jealousy after Moo Myung showed up. 
It was queen purpose to make a beautiful army which will serve the young King. As Moo Myung also selected to be a hwarang, A ro father told her to teach him basics before sending him there.  

A Ro tried her best to teach Moo Myung but that bird head heart beat was out of control. In other words he started to see A Ro as a women and wanted to protect her. The two of them went to the market before the Hwarang ceremony unfortunately the gangsters kidnap A Ro in order to capture Moo Myung.
The young King was so found of A Ro and Moo Myung he ended up followed them and become another hostage. The ceremony was Hwarang was about to start will they able to safe A ro and safely come back to the ceremony or will things become more tough to deal with the gangsters.

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