The first episode of Strong Women Do Bong Soon instantly remind us the recent drama " Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo ". The fe...

Bong Soon Spread the 'GAY' rumors for Chaebol CEO Min Hyuk - Strong Woman Do Bong Soon : Episode 2 Preview

By | Wednesday, March 01, 2017 Leave a Comment
The first episode of Strong Women Do Bong Soon instantly remind us the recent drama "Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo". The female lead Do Bong Soon appears to have super natural powers of being a strongest women, she had a crush on high school friend In Gook Duk who was the police officer. 

Strong Woman Do Bong Soon : Episode 2 Preview

She never misuse her powers but only use on evil people, somehow due to an incident she end up at the police station and being saved by Min Hyuk the CEO of Ainsoft Games. After some time she end up becoming his bodyguard. The CEO want to catch the criminal who was spying on him and threatening him time to time.

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the cahebol ceo did all sort of chaos from bong soon -Strong Woman Do Bong Soon : Episode 2 Preview

Look like choosing her as the guard the CEO has one sided crush on her and wanted her to be beside him. Things happened when Bok Soon's family mistook the CEO as her boyfriend and she end up spilling the beans saying "He is Gay" lolx. It was just to put a stop on her mother mouth.
The story seems more interesting after the crime scenes started occuring near Bok Soon house. She accidentally bumped into the criminal at the hospital but couldn't catch him. All she wanted to help the police friend Gook Doo.

bong soon told her mother about the ceo he is a gay - Strong Woman Do Bong Soon : Episode 2 Preview

The CEO at the office receives another threatening call. The  voice seems very similar with the faceless criminal in "W the two worlds". Anyhow its just a guess lets see who is the real criminal.

Bok Soon while visiting the CEO sectary at the hospital once again bumped into the criminal who was disguising as the doctor. Too many interesting twist will be waiting a head stay tuned to find out why the CEO of Ainsoft Min Hyuk approach Bok Soon and after the threatening call make her stay at his house.

bong soon bumped the criminal at the hospital and ceo ask her to stay at his house but the police officer friend gook doo come to pick her - Strong Woman Do Bong Soon : Episode 2 Preview
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