Its been episode 8 and the story still too confusing even the truth's been revealed. But to understand what's going on each other ...

So Joon meet future Ma Rin - Tomorrow With You - Episode 8 Preview

By | Wednesday, March 22, 2017 Leave a Comment
Its been episode 8 and the story still too confusing even the truth's been revealed. But to understand what's going on each other mind the tension was killing. As expected the unlikable time travel ajusshi teacher of Soo Jon turned out to be Ma Rin's father. 

Tomorrow With You - Episode 8 Preview

All he did was to protect her own daughter. We wonder how he became the time traveler and never come back to his family. What's the basic reason he was now helping Ma Rin to avoid future accident and have a happy life. 

Some times we doubts his motive but we think Soo Jon should trust the ajhussi no matter what he says. Later on he will for sure knew the ajusshi is his father in law. things were too much twisted and complicated Soo Jon didn't tell Ma Rin about the ajhusshi what if he did things might not be that difficult. 

the time traveller ajhussi is Ma Rin father, So Joon kiss Ma Rin, Tomorrow With You - Episode 8 Preview

Complications didn't put a stop here but continued towards Soo Jon business. One of the director was meant to mess up Soo Jon business no matter how much prevention the time travel ajhussi did. he tried to fix the future of his daughter as well as son in law but things become more complicated or they meant to be happen by any way. As he though things didn't simply go away he some how happen to save Ma Rin but other things didn't go well.
We think the death/ accident issue of Ma rin which got postponde will surely occur in future as its her fate. May be that's the reason why the time travel ajhussi was focusing to fix Ma rin's life. Let's see what happen to Soo Joon when he will met Ma Rin in the future, will he going to breakup with her as she request or things won't go there way in future too.

so joon meet future ma rin , Tomorrow With You - Episode 8 Preview
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