Seo Yeon and her friends hard working and sincerity give her more confidence to lead the school trial and with lot of difficulties they fi...

Will Choi Woo Hyuk Appear at the School Trial - Solomon's Perjury Preview Ep 4 (Our Thoughts)

By | Wednesday, January 04, 2017 Leave a Comment
Seo Yeon and her friends hard working and sincerity give her more confidence to lead the school trial and with lot of difficulties they finally able to gather more than 500 student who signed for school trial petition. Seeing them this devoted we realize there still are people who raise voice for justice with out greed.

Han Ji Hoon The art student from other school use to be the friend of Lee So Woo (late) he also came and join the school trial to help finding the truth why Seo Woo end up like this. He didn't knew this incident had some connections with his father and things will surely reveal in the further episodes.

Also see: Hwarang Ep 4 Preview 

As for now he told Seo Yeon that she won't be able to continue the trial as Choi Woo Hyuk will not come. He will be the only one to bring Choi Woo Hyuk to make a real trial.

It was really difficult for the student to open up the trail as it was their last year to be seniors. Yet they didn't give up on justice for their fellow class mate. The reporter also took interest in their school trial and become up a part to uncover the truth behind Lee So Woo death. All this situation make Choi Woo Hyuk loose his anger. he ended up scaring Joo Ri outside his house.
It was Seo Yeon who tried to stop him over showing his aggressiveness and called him a coward. At this point we were really scared. After all things happen Han Ji Hoon approached him and told him he will be his counsel as he believe Choi Woo Hyuk didn't kill  Lee So Woo.

The story turned we never thought han Ji Hoon will appear as the defendant. Stay tuned to knew what will going to happen on the first hearing of School trial.

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