Stubborn Na Ri after breaking up with Jung Won followed Hwa Shin to the station. She knew that Hwa Shin will be at men's sleeping Roo...

Men Sleeping Room Kiss - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 19 (Our Thoughts)

By | Sunday, November 13, 2016 Leave a Comment
Stubborn Na Ri after breaking up with Jung Won followed Hwa Shin to the station. She knew that Hwa Shin will be at men's sleeping Room as he has no where else to go this late night. She came straight there with her luggage to female newscaster room.

na ri and hwa shin bed kiss - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 19 (Eng sub)

As her mind was a total mess and she wanted someone to be with and console her what she did was the right decision for her.She searched her drawer and found the cup noodle. She don't want to eat it alone so she came to Hwa Shin's room. Seeing her Hwa Shin was too happy from inside but give the cold impression as he don't like her being there at this time.

 na ri came in men sleeping room and gave hwa shin the cup noodle - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 19 (Eng sub)

It was non other Pyo Na Ri who was too famous for her stubborn and clinginess. She ignore Hwa Shin cold look and ask him let's have the noodles together. After Na Ri directly propose Hwa Shin to go out with her OMG she was way being too straight forward.
We never thought she would ask Hwa Shin why he acted to coldly towards her as she clear up things with Jung Won and left his side to come along with him. We were really surprised when Hwa Shin told he feels bad that Na Ri broke up with his best friend, he was oo sensitive and considerate. It was the other side of Hwa Shin we knew.

 na ri ask she already break up with jung won why he is still cold to her and he said you broke with an awesome guy because of me - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 19 (Eng sub)

His reaction was too touchy and Na Ri started to cry. Though she thought Hwa Shin might not reject her again. Seeing Na Ri cry melts Hwa Shin's cold heart he couldn't bear giving pain and making her cr. He then become too caring of her and console her every thing is fine not to cry. It was not simply with words but Hwa Shin showed with actions.

 na ri started crying and hwa shin concole her by saying will you go out with me - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 19 (Eng sub)

Both look too adorable as Hwa Shin ask Na Ri to go out with him and finally it was Hwa Shin's confession. This confession turned the cold atmosphere into romantic one. Seeing Na Ri's signal Hwa Shin kissed her. It was their another kiss which happen to be in Men's sleeping room.

 hwa shin kissed na ri in men sleeping room - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 19 (Eng sub)

He didn't just stop on the little french kiss but continued it with the depth of his passions and it look like he won't ever left Na i go. This romantic bed kissing scene remind us of lot many other kisses that happened in Kdrama.

 hwa shin after asking please just date now kissed na ri - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 19 (Eng sub)
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