After shaking the confidence of Chairman Park Do Hyun Seo Yeol was afraid his office might not be safe for him and thought it might be...

Chairman Hyun Do decided to run Off - Chief Kim: Episode 19 (Review)

By | Sunday, April 09, 2017 Leave a Comment
chief kim and Seo Yeol - Chief Kim: Episode 19

After shaking the confidence of Chairman Park Do Hyun Seo Yeol was afraid his office might not be safe for him and thought it might be wire tapped so he barged in to Business Operation. Everyone there become uneasy but nothing to do they had to help him as he decided to take revenge on Chairman Hyun Do.
The chemistry of Chief Kim and Seo Yeol was at the heavenly bromance, Chief Kim tease Seo yeol and the way he irritates was really fun.

chief kim and Seo yeol give an open challenge to chairman Hyun do for his corruption - Chief Kim: Episode 19

In any kind of situation Seo yeol never forgot about his meals, here also he ask Chief Kim to cook noodles for him. Another cute scene of their bromance while having the ramen. We really going to miss these two in future.

seo yeol eating ramen and chief kim giving him kimchi - Chief Kim: Episode 19

Choo Nam Ho house become the secret meeting point to make their further plan. The three of them make Ha kyung to run errand for them, in other words they ask her bring a huge list of food and beverages look like they weren't going to have a meeting but an overnight party lolx.

seo yeol and chief kim hold a meeting at choo nam ho house and ask ha kyung to deliver food - Chief Kim: Episode 19

This episode becomes much fun then any other when Seo yeol finds himself lying beside Chief Kim. He was too scared as if he has seen a ghost after waking up. The more he tried to avoid being near Chief Kim the more he drag him which irritates Seo yeol and made us smile.

Chief Kim did all the suspicious things to make Seo Yeol think of him as he was interested in him. he tried to run downstairs and unfortunately broke the handle. Look like he was about to cry being in the same room with Chief Kim.

chief kim irritate seo yeol with his stupid gestures - Chief Kim: Episode 19

Chairman son Myung Seok help the people at TQ Business operation to reveal the corruption and fake paper company at Tanzania. Not only the company but tanzanian Bank account. He started to feel the wrong doings and unjust behavior of his father.
Chief Kim with the help of Ga Eun finally caught a black fish at the prosecution who was helping Chairman Park to wash the corruption charges. he with Seo yeol did all things to irritates the black fish and made him fry himself in the oil. Chief Kim left the tracking device in his car and Ga Eun was able to caught the shark who was behind the black fish and Chairman Hyun Do.    

chairman park hyun do  son help business account people and Ga Eun help chief and seo yeol catching the person who is hiding things for chairman hyun do - Chief Kim: Episode 19

Things become more interesting when Myung Seok got to knew about Tanzanian account. He mimic his father's voice and told the person to send the email as he has a plan. Every thing become upside down as Myung Seok help TQ Business people with all his efforts. Look like he become a little mature and wasn't silly like back then.

myung Seok in his father voice make a call to the sectary and ask him to send the tanzanian bank records - Chief Kim: Episode 19

After getting to knew who the black shark Chief Kim and Seo yeol trapped him and make and evidence which will be useful in future. It was at the bar where Seo yeol along with Chief Kim dance for him and capture a clear video of him.

chief kim and Seo Yeol dance at the bar for the political person who was helping Chairman hyun Do -  Chief Kim: Episode 19

Not only this they also caught a suspicious man at the hospital who was trying to attack Chief Lee again. He then reveal it was ordered by Director Min Young. We were amazed to knew how the people of business operation disguise themselves as the hospital staff and safe Chief Lee.

Business accounting team also caught a person who again tried to kill Chief Lee -   Chief Kim: Episode 19

Kim Seyung then caught the big shark and show his the video which shocked him more ever. He then called Chairman Hyun Do that he will be returning all the gifts he received as he can do anything but couldn't cover up the charges of intiating murder.

It was the shock for Chairman Hyun Do he couldn't understand who made the big shark change his mind and reveal his crime he was trying to hide. At last no option can save him so he decided to flew away from the country. Prosecutor Dong Hoon finally able to receive the arrest warrant for Chairman Hyun Do.

chief kim showed a video to the person who was helping chairman hyun do, he then called hyun do and told i am sending all the gift back to him the arrest warrant issue for chairman hyun do - Chief Kim: Episode 19

Wonder what will be happen in the final episode will they going to catch Chairman Hyun Do if so we are curious to knew how. Stay tuned to find out what will Chief Kim and Seo Yeol will do at the airport.
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