A mystery Thriller time travel fantasy ' Tunnel ' starts on OCN. The story starts in 1985 with the investigation of the murder ca...

Mysterious Dots on Victim Dead Bodies - Tunnel: Episode 1 (Review)

By | Sunday, April 09, 2017 Leave a Comment
A mystery Thriller time travel fantasy 'Tunnel' starts on OCN. The story starts in 1985 with the investigation of the murder case which was accidentally notice by the Detective Park Gwang Ho while chasing the cow thief who fell into a mud puddle and scream in terror. It was then noticed there was the female dead body tied with the stockings and it looks really horrified.

Detective Gwang Ho wedding - Tunnel: Episode 1

Here my sister scold me for showing this crime drama late at night. But no option we had to watch out to kill our curiosity what's the motive of the criminal to use stockings as the killing tool.

The detective Park Gwang Ho was known as blunt and righteous having short temper nature. He scold a reporter for publishing the picture of the dead body spreading the fear every where.

First female body found while catching a cow thief -
 Tunnel: Episode 1

Gwang Ho was the handsome single at the crime branch, one of his senior insist him to go for the blind date despite making excuse he has no choice but to do as was told. It was the blind date set with Shin Yeon Suk at a coffee shop.

The detective seems too nervous sitting infront of the beautiful women no one can image he knock down the thugs and catches the criminals. After the date detective Gwang feels happy and smile was coming off of his face.

He follows Yeon Suk back to her place and ended up saving her by a passing by truck. It was too sudden he has no choice other then to pull Yeon Suk towards her just for the safety. It was a surprising moment for both which flutters their heart for the moment.

Detective Gwang ho first date with Yeon Suk - Tunnel: Episode 1

After that crime case we never thought an interesting love scene in the 80's we will gonna watch. Gwang Ho started to day dream and smile for no reason, every one notice this change same for us and caught his heart thief.

He then took a chance when every was in busy in their work sliding under his table with that antique telephone he called yeon Suk not knowing the chief noticed him doing so. Yeon Suk was at work but inside was waiting for his call, she was too happy yet didn't forget to tease Gwang Ho for holding her hand on the very first date and never called her back. Before he could say anything the chief appeared like a ghost Gwang Ho and us got scared at the same moment which reminded us of "Let's Fight Ghost".

Gwang ho day dream and started to smile he then call yeon suk -
 Tunnel: Episode 1

Another dead body of a female found with the similar posture as the previous dead body tied with the stockings. Look like there will be the case of serial murders not too sure but will gonna scared at night for sure and thank God in our Town there aren't such scary alleys.

The reporter irritates Detective Gwang So saying another women in a skirt died means he was pointing towards the serial Killer only go after girl wearing skirts. The reporter tried all means to open up detective mouth to tell the story but then spilling the beans a women yeon Suk was waiting outside for someone.

It surprise the detective and he to confirm walked out it was yeon Suk who came to ask about the blinking at their shop was it him. Look like she was the fortune teller who beforehand knew Detective Gwang was missing her that's why she showed up her face.

Another body found near the river a detective came at the police station for the story and end up telling a female named yeon Suk waiting for someone, yeon suk ask detective gwang ho that are you the one who was blinking at their shop late at night - Tunnel: Episode 1

Gwang Ho's Junior Jeon Sun Shik was dozing off on the duty and his face looks a bit funny with the propped eyes open with toothpicks, OMG isn't it too painful this scene remind us Mr bean & Tom & jerry Cartoon. He was then woke up by the coffee shop owner who came to report a female worker Chun Hee didn't came back. The officer told her be patient she will be back after some time as she did before also.

But for the owner she was too worried after finding Chun Hee left leaving her bank book behind which was the most precious item for her. The officer told the owner to leave and he will tell this to detective Gwang. The next day a police car found a crime scene in the near field, Detective Gwang run to find and doubted it might be the victim Chun Hee and his prediction was right. It was the third female dead body with the same posture tied with the stockings.

chun hee who was working at the coffee shop didn't come back so the ajhumma come to the police station for report her missing she also found dead in the near fields -  Tunnel: Episode 1

Other then catching the criminal Detective Gwang take out time for his wedding with Yeon Hee. The happy days of his life finally starts. Another murder case was reported it was the 4th case a female was found dead with the same posture tied with the stockings.

This really give us shiver just in one episode 4 murder case happens. It for sure be to scary when will be investigated thoroughly.

gwang ho got married with yeon suk and after some time another female body found  - Tunnel: Episode 1

Investigation in 80's were too different then compare to now. Back then there wasn't any technology, no cctv footage, no car black box, no mobile, no DNA and else, just based on the facts the proves and the alibi.
The cases shaked up the crime branch detective specially Gwang Ho who was now eager to catch the criminal and put him behind the bar. He talked about the dead bodies with the doctor who examined and did the autopsy. he told there wasn't any sign of rape or anything unusual on the body except the scratches for defending oneself. But the detective was too sharp he noticed the black mole on the body and when checked he finally found the clue for the serial murder.

a colider came again and again to find the murderer of his wife but they have no clue just gwang ho noticed the dots on the feet of the women -
 Tunnel: Episode 1

He then warns the doctor to thoroughly check the victims body and then the doctor remember the first victim has one dot, the second had two and so on but the the last victim had 6 dots means the 5th victim was missing from their vision. It was a puzzle hard for detective to solve and found the 5th dead body.  

Though he was on vacations but he took a leave from his wife to catch the criminal before leaving his wife gave him a present a chain with the whistle and put around his neck saying blow this when need her help and she will be there running in no time.

yeon suk gave a chain with the whistle to gwang ho in need he blow the whistle and she will come to help him - Tunnel: Episode 1

Gwang Ho used a map to check out the locations that are convenient to threw dead bodies around this area without being caught by anyone. It was for sure the killer live close to the location. He with the help of the junior officer Sung Shik check the nearby area and talk to the residents but nothing possible clue could be found which lead the investigation.

On his way back Gwang ho happen to saw a young girl crying to her older sister worried that her dog has been killed. From that girl Gwang ho come to knew most of the neighbors dog had disappeared recently. Not only this the girl told she noticed a high schooler in front of their house on the night when their dog went missing, she then points out that high schooler house whom she doubted.

Gwang Ho entered the house which gives the creepy image with the big yard the front door was locked and the windows were covered with newspaper. This points the criminal might hide here. The two went backside of the house to observe there might be other way to enter in but nothing was of use. Gwang ho then stopped at a place where he saw some small mounts of mud covered with dry leaves.

gwang ho while catching a dog killer end up in a tunnel hitting from the serial killer - Tunnel: Episode 1

He checked and screamed in terror that make us scared to wet our pants lolx. He found blood in the mud and afterward happened to saw the  dead bodies of the do. The police came and investigate it. It was the house of the high schooler who might be the serial killer but didn't look like so just his words made us creeped when he says "Does there have to be a reason to kill a human?".

He killed too many dogs to experiment before making any human his target, but he was released over his alibi statement. Nothing could be done. Later on the way back Detective Gwang ho wanted to check the suspected areas where the crime happen between 9:00 to 11:00 pm, passing by a tunnel he saw something weird in and went in to check out. Due to the dark he couldn't saw the face of the serial killer just his gestures to squeeze a human body with something and then smoked.

He desperately wanted to catch the criminal but unfortunately got hit by the rock. His flash light and the whistle dropped away, he wanted to grab the whistle but couldn't do and become unconscious. Too much thrill and suspense left to knew the actual story stay tuned to find out what will happened to detective Gwang Ho.
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