After having the fun time at school play ground Jae In finally back to drop Da Da home. But it wasn't a pleasant scene there as t...

Da Da Confession - Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Our Thoughts)

By | Friday, November 18, 2016 Leave a Comment
da hyun kiss jae in his house  - Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Eng sub)

After having the fun time at school play ground Jae In finally back to drop Da Da home. But it wasn't a pleasant scene there as the door was open. Jae In got the six sense alert feeling he along with Da Da enter in the house. For sure someone barged in for robbery. He call the police and told Da Da to pack few things and come with him. Its dangerous for her to stay alone as this place is not safe anymore. Da Da has no other choice as to follow Jae In.

 when jae in drop da hyun house he saw da hyun apartment got robbed so he ask da hyun to come at his house - Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Eng sub)

Jae In bought Da ad at his home as its the safest place for her to stay. He also told her not to worry as he will be working at the office. Da Da was surprised to see the big house of Jae In. She wanted to take a look around and un intentionally saw Jae In while changing clothes. It look like a perverted moment. But she was too shocked she ran out and Jae In smiles what;s that innocent act of her as if its her first time seeing a shirtless man.

 da hyun saw jae in while changing clothes and she was startled - Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Eng sub)

Da Da was still in doubts that she wasn't safe here so she ask Jae In pointing her finger are you sure there aren't any bad guys here and he just grab Da Da's finger and pull her over him. The atmosphere looks way too romantic. Before Jae In could say anything about Da Da clear her position saying she didn't saw anything means she did saw something and was feeling a little shy and awkward her that lead her mention it.

 da hyun pointing her finger toward jae in and ask are you sure there aren't any bad guys in this house- Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Eng sub)

Jae In lead Da ad to the bedroom and told her she can sleep here with me. Da Da was shocked and scold Jae In for acting all like a player when ever it comes to women he never miss a chance. She also share her worries that this moment she was feeling tempted by him what if something goes wrong they will for sure regrets the next day. Jae In way too understanding he got what Dad da wants and told her told her to be relax he will respect her feelings.

as for sleeping together da hyun give her thoughts one will definately regrets the next day and jae in said i respect your feelings  - Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Eng sub)

As Jae In left to continue his work Da Da couldn't get a sleep so she came out and take out the drink she surprised the drink with the label Da Da so she said its me let's drink together. Jae In came to the launch and saw Da da was drinking alone he complain she should have call him to join her and then he sit close to Da Da.

 da da was upset why haven't jae in come back in the room so she open the fridge and drink so many Da Da drinks - Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Eng sub)

Da Da was fully drunk and was continue drinking Jae In ask how many of these did you have alone isn't it called cheating. Then she share some of it with Jae In and want him not to touch her as she is drunk so think to take any advantage of her.

da hyun told jae in don't touch her as she is drunk  - Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Eng sub)

Being drunk is a disadvantage for one and advantage for the other partner. As Da Da was drunk she confess her feelings to Jae In. It was a ver unique way which moved Jae In heart Da Da just touch Jae In's lips and told him that she like him and also like kissing him.

After that she kissed Jae In it was her confession kiss to show how much she like him. Jae in was startled he couldn't believe this beautiful confession from the women he love to spend time with. After confessing Da Da passed out in the deep sleep over Jae In's broad chest.

da hyun grab jae in face and said i think i like you and also i like kiising you she kissed jae in and then fall asleep  - Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Eng sub)

It was way too difficult for Jae In to control his feelings after Da Da's confession but he was the man of his words. He kept his promise and didn't do anything he just bought Da Da back to the bedroom put her comfortably on the bed and kiss on her cheeks.

It was a thanks giving kiss for all the love he received from Da Da. He couldn't help himself leaving Da Da alone in the room and lay their down. Watching Da Da's face he wish they could remain like this forever and fell asleep.

jae in take da hyun in the room kiss her forehead and sleep in the room saying tomorrow morning i will be the one regretting this moment  - Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Eng sub)
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