As we come to knew Jae In and Da Hyun their life wasn't boring but the busiest one. Both were devoted to their profession but sti...

Monkey Playground Memory - Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Our Thoughts)

By | Friday, November 18, 2016 Leave a Comment
jae in kiss da hyun on the monkey jungle gym  - Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Eng sub)

As we come to knew Jae In and Da Hyun their life wasn't boring but the busiest one. Both were devoted to their profession but still they make time to go along to the contract. They sign 6 months for dating. It was their weekend date.

This time Da Da refuse to come as she was busy for the upcoming kids dance competition . She requested Jae In that's it shi sturn to come as every time it was Da Da who ran to him.

 da hyun refuse to come on the date as she was also busy in the dance practice for the competation - Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Eng sub)

He also has thing to he refuse that he couldn't make time to come over. Then Da Da had no choice other then telling him let's skip meeting this week. Listening this Jae In was all out that how can Da Da ignore his request and telling him to skip this week's meeting. He made up his mind putting aside all the work and on his way to meet with Da Da.

It look like he don't want to skip this week Date. He appeared at Da Da's class as another student we really enjoyed him being all childish after Da Da. She told him not to do things and show up like this its her work place and she need to taught the children. Cute Jae In replied think of him as another kid he also wanted to learn from her.

 jae in leave the office and come to da hyun shcool he came in the class and sit between the kids- Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Eng sub)

As the class was over Jae In was waiting for Da Da the student came to him and ask who he is. Before Jae In reply they themself assume he must be the teacher's boyfriend. Da Da was there she scold the children not to talk to the stranger and told them to head back to their homes.

 when a little boy ask jae in are you teacher boyfriend da hyun came and scold them not to talk with stranger - Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Eng sub)

Da Da finally put a hole in Jae In's stiff personality and made him do thinks he had never done before. She was angry at Jae In that he showed up oit of blue and there might be rumors for her in the school so he should be the one to take responsibility.
Da Da then told Jae In let's meet in the hotel as she was way being more careful of her image. She knew she can't marry him that's why she had to keep distance and measure at the work place.

 as sa hyun was angry on Jae in she said next time i will take a huge sign and hold it up infront of your hotel - Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Eng sub)

Da ada then came out of the meeting room and head towards to the play ground. They both site on the sea saw have a little chat and it was Jae in being all naughty he without mentioning Da da leave the sea saw Da Da end up hurt her back badly and he laughed. Every time they meet up they make us laugh it look all natural not an artifical situation.

jae in when get up da hyun was hit to bottom on the sea saw all mouth open  - Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Eng sub)

Like the kids they sit on the swing Da ad enjoyed. On swing she wanted Jae In to enjoy and try to push him but couldn't do so as he was sitting and putting all the pressure on his legs , Da Da shouts he's way too heavy and then run.

 jae in and da hyun swing and talk about the past - Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Eng sub)

It was now the least for Jae In to stay away from Da Da she was showing too man cute sides of her arguing, getting angry and playing like a child. He followed her up to the He followed her up to the monkey Jungle Gym. Da Da was too clever she try ti doge Jae In but Jae In was faster then her he caught her and stuck Da Da in the way she couldn't move.

Both had a hard breath with a heart beating. We never imagine Jae In would steal a chance and will going to kiss Da Da. But he did it as Da Da had no where to run from his cage. She tried to avoid but couldn't stand seeing Ja In face and eye full of emotions. So she gave up on Jae In he kissed Da Da. It was a long deep kiss look like Jae In don't want to leave Da Da being this cute and after he was done what he wanted he just give a smile full of victory to Da Da.

jae in catch da hyun on the monkey jungle gym and take a chance to kiss da hyun  - Something About 1 Percent - Episode 8 (Eng sub)
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