It wasn't too late Bpal Gong admit her mistake and tell the truth to both mothers what she did to uncle Hwa Shin with the help of Ch...

Chef Kim & Ja Young First Snowfall Kiss - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 21 (Our Thoughts)

By | Sunday, November 13, 2016 Leave a Comment
It wasn't too late Bpal Gong admit her mistake and tell the truth to both mothers what she did to uncle Hwa Shin with the help of Chi Yeol & Dae Goo. She trapped Hwa Shin into voice pissing and took a handsome amount from it. Here it remind us of the previous episode when Hwa Shin was reporting on Gangs and voice pissing cases. It was during that time period he himself become one of the victim.

Now Ppal Gang regrets what she did she gave back all the money to the mothers and ask them to help her. Hearing this both Sung Sook & Ja Young become worried what if Hwa Shin caught pbal gang for voice pishing he could put charges on her it will ruin her life and family's image.

 chef kim kiss ja young after coming out of hwa shin apartment- Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 21 (Eng sub)

They decided to give back the money to Hwa with and apology for this they take Chef Kim's trust and ask him to help them. As they only wanted to put the money bac with the apology letter. Chef Kim use his reputation and ask the building owner to open Hwa Shin apartment with the master key for them.

Sun Sook pushed Ja young forward to go with Chef Kim and she will remain out to check if Hwa Shin's coming or not. She will let them know.

 chef kim and ja young were in hwa shin apartment to give back hwa shin money which bpal gang took doing voice pissing but sun sook told hwa shin is coming come out - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 21 (Eng sub)

As they both enter Hwa Shin's house Sun Sook saw Hwa Shin coming to the house she immediately Ja young and alert them to hide. As there was only one way out of the house they don't have any other option just to hide in there.

Chef Kim hold Ja Youngs' hand and head towarsd the cupboard before hiding they also took their shoes and didn't leave any clue of their presence. Hwa Shin came and lay down he was too happy as he won the most difficult war of his life.
On the other hand Ja Young along with Chef Kim both stucked in the wardrobe all night long. We wonder how would they manage to stay like that, it sure hurt their body and half of the part would be feeling numb.

Chef kim and ja young hide in hwa shin closet - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 21 (Eng sub)

The next morning when Hwa Shin woke up and went to use washroom they both steped out of the wardrobe and without noticing Hwa Shin they manage to leave the apartment. It was really thrilling the way both barged in and hide.

Our hearts were beating so fast what if Hwa Shin caught both of them hiding in the wardrobe what will be his reaction. How will he treat them. Thanks God nothing like this happened except the change in Chef Kim's emotions.

 the next morning when hwa shin woke up chef kim and ja young leave his apartment - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 21 (Eng sub)

When they came out it already snowed a lot Chef Kim couldn't resist and control over his feelings he suddenly grab Ja Youngs face and kissed her. It was too sudden that not only surprised Ja Young but also us. We never even had a clue that chef kim would have this side of him. He then propose Ja Young "Lets date".

 when bth come out chef kim kiss ja young and ask date me  - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 21 (Eng sub)
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