As everything going smoothly between Pyo Na Ri & Hwa Shin life. The story take a u turn and unbelievable thing happened. We never imag...

Hwa Shin become Impotent - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 21 (Our Thoughts)

By | Sunday, November 13, 2016 Leave a Comment
As everything going smoothly between Pyo Na Ri & Hwa Shin life. The story take a u turn and unbelievable thing happened. We never imagine this kind of issue will also boldly presented in kdrama. But its for sure unpredictable world with lot many true stories and incidents.

hwa shin propose the doctor he ask i can't gave birth to children will you marry me  - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 21 (Eng sub)

Hwa Shin came to visit to the hospital as he was called in by the doctor to come alone to receive his final test result. We were surprised what's the reason is breast cancer disease of Hwa Shin become incurable that's why the doctor is keeping it a secret from Na Ri. She finally told Hwa SHin about the result that they are not positive because of the radiation treatment the male hormones become a little lower in amount.

 the female doctor ask hwa shin to keep it a secret from na ri he can't gave birth to children - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 21 (Eng sub)

It means there won't be any chances Hwa Shin could have children OMG its the most bitter reality of our society where men couldn't realize they can't have children. As for the females its a given that there are things and diseases which make them weak to bear a child.
We feel pity for poor Hwa Shin as he also couldn't believe what situation he is suffering from. It was really absurd situation for him to believe that he no longer remain a man even though he cure for his breast cancer.

 after listeing what doctor said hwa shin said he is no longer a man why is he being punish before breast cancer and now - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 21 (Eng sub)

He cried and made us cried along. He though it was the punishment he received for ruining his brothers life. Then he beg doctor to do something and take more examinations to check if that disease to curable or not. After this Hwa Shin lost all the confidence to face and talk to Na Ri. He don't want himself o be pitied and being ashamed of not remaining man anymore.

hwa shin cried infront of the female doctor tyo save him cure his disease he will be becafe in future that the breast cancer won't come back - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 21 (Eng sub)
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