As decided Hwa Shin and Pyo Na Ri started to live at Jung Won's house. Things didn't change but the situation there become more of...

I want to Stay With You - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 17 (our thoughts)

By | Monday, October 31, 2016 Leave a Comment
As decided Hwa Shin and Pyo Na Ri started to live at Jung Won's house. Things didn't change but the situation there become more of interesting during the work Hwa Shin notice Pyo Na Ri was being mistreated by the co anchor and she was being sorry for things she never did.

hwa shin in na ri's bed - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 17 (Eng Sub) cho jung seok & Kong Hyo Jin

Hwa Shin took a chance and barg in Na Ris room. He asked her about everything ok at work s he notice that she is being mistreated. He sit on the bed with Na Ri and console her.

 hwa shin barged in Na ri room and sit close to na ri - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 17 (Eng Sub) cho jung seok & Kong Hyo Jin

He lay down with Na Ri and console her not to worry if there is anything or someone bothers her at work she must let him know. Na Ri said he don't have to worry but Hwa Shin already saw many times and had a feeling so nothing satisfied her.
Hwa Shin wanted to spend time with Na Ri as seeing him this close at this moment make Na Ri nervous. She wanted to escape from this situation. But Hwa Shin holding her tight in his arms and ask her to sleep with him. Oh man Na Ri was all red as if someone burn her cheeks and ears.

 he aware na ri of the other news anchor action beforehand and then say i want to sleep with you - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 17 (Eng Sub) cho jung seok & Kong Hyo Jin

Hwa Shin wanted Na Ri to lets leave from here and the two of them live together. Na Ri want to escape out from this situation. She remind Hwa Shin that doing this he will be the one breaking the rules and getting less points. Hwa Shin become more of the child saying the first floor is too open without any privacy and he is alone. For us he looks like the lost child who scared.

 hwa shin was about to kiss na ri and she told hwa shin to leave the room but he said the first floor is too chilly and open - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 17 (Eng Sub) cho jung seok & Kong Hyo Jin

Previous Post: Hye Won kiss

Still Na Ri didn't let go of her guards. She made Hwa Shin leave the room by saying that she will come to the first floor It wasn't the truth it was the trick Na Ri use to kick Hwa Shin out.

 hwa shin ask na ri to leave here and go home and come sleep with him na ri take a chance and kick hwa shin out of his rrom  - Jealousy Incarnate - Episode 17 (Eng Sub) cho jung seok & Kong Hyo Jin

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