Other the melo dramas Romantic Doctor teacher Kim has his own importance. It was fascinating just with the extra ordionary medical skills ...

Intern Dong Joo Punishment at ER - Romantic Doctor Kim - Ep 1 (Our Thoughts)

By | Monday, December 12, 2016 Leave a Comment
Other the melo dramas Romantic Doctor teacher Kim has his own importance. It was fascinating just with the extra ordionary medical skills and teh doctors devotion towards the patients. It was really hard for the medical staff to take care of the emergency situation. Some time the patients didn't co operate and sometimes its hard to make them understand of what they are suffering and need to do.

 dong joo treating patient who have beads stucked in the anal - Romantic Doctor Kim - Episode 1 (Eng Sub)

Sometimes the medical team with in themselves was hard to understand and manage things at emergency. Same happened when an emergency female patient came in first but Doctor Seo Jung leaving him took another emergency which was the rare case a male patient who had a rod stucked in his chest.

Dong Joo who was an intern took over the female case and reported it to the senior as on duty doctor wasn't available. After the two of the cases was handled the superior Doctor Seo Jung was being scolded for ignoring the patient who came in first.

This makes her feel insulted and she thought to take revenge over Intern Dong Joo. She then assigned him the special cases MA which came through ER saying it will help him grew a better doctor with lot of experience. As we knew it will definitely the opposite case and it happened so .

as dong joo reported no body took notice of a case who come first seo jung got scolded for revenge seo jung assigned dong joo to ER department  - Romantic Doctor Kim - Episode 1 (Eng Sub)

She deliberately assigned Dong Joo the difficult cases as she was taking revenge on him by teaching him a lesson that things in ER are as difficult as no one though of it. Dong Joo who was the top student couldn't do anything much and neither give up as he had to learn and survive so he calmed his nasty anger to bear the time being to become a good doctor.

 seo jung take dong joo coffee and sprinkle salt on his wounds by saying you are doing the best in the ER department - Romantic Doctor Kim - Episode 1 (Eng Sub)

It was another unique case at ER surprised us. Doctor Seo Jung assigned Intern Dong Joo to treat this man's Anal and take out beads size of Golf balls that got stucked in there. We couldn't believe how can this happen. He sure must be in some gang fight to end up having stuck inside his anal and there was no place for gas to pass.
It sure was a difficult and unbelievable case for Dong Joo to handle. he ask guidance from Doctor Seo but was coldly refuse as it was his assignment to think over it how to take care.

seo jung gave another assignment to intern dong joo a special patient who got stucked golf sized beads in his anal and dong joo think how to take them out - Romantic Doctor Kim - Episode 1 (Eng Sub)

Dong Joo couldn't much do much to argue with Doctor Seo so he use his intelligent mind and and with the great effort able to pull the golf ball sized beads out of the patients anal. OMG he end up doing a fine job but was splashed with the peek of lose motion.

OMG it was funny and at the same time embarrassing which made us lose our appetite as we were having rice with the soup. Finally we come to knew there are unpredictable cases in ER Which one never imagine to come across.

dong joo finally able to take out the balls from the patient it was funny yet embarrasing situation   - Romantic Doctor Kim - Episode 1 (Eng Sub)
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