Unexpected things happen between Bok Joo and Joon Hyung. As she cursed him giving a cold Joon Hyung become ill and lost the championsh...

The Toad & Abalone Treat - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Review Ep 6 (Our Thoughts)

By | Thursday, December 15, 2016 Leave a Comment
bok joo treat joon hyun abalone at her father resturant  - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Episode 6 (Eng Sub)

Unexpected things happen between Bok Joo and Joon Hyung. As she cursed him giving a cold Joon Hyung become ill and lost the championship. This makes Bok Joo's feel bad it was solely her mistake for making him suffer like this.

As the two of them couldn't get along still Bok Joo wanted to make things better as she wasn't habitual using text and clearing things so she went in person and gave hima Origami Toad she made. It was a kind of apology and a lucky charm for him.

 as bok joo was worried because she gave joon hyung  the flu and he lost the swimming competition she gave him a handmade origami toad in brown colour  - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Episode 6 (Eng Sub)

Joon hyung couldn't stay teasing her that the toad wasn't finally made as she wrinkled up the paper and tried it out many times. It makes Bok Joo feels a little bad she wanted to take bad the toad but Joon Hyung didn't return as he received a first gift ever and named it "Awesome Toad".

 joon hyung was happy by getting a handmade origami toad from bok jo he named it awesome toad- Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Episode 6 (Eng Sub)

As a thanks giving for giving her secret and making him ill she wanted to treat him a meal so she bought him to her father's resturant and order the wild Abalone. It was a very first time Bok Joo every bought a boy there so it was a little suspicious for her father and uncle. But the couldn't help as per Bok Joo to serve Abalone meal.

 bok joo take joon hyung to her father and treat him the wild abalone she introduce joon hyung to his father as a elementary school friend - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Episode 6 (Eng Sub)

It was a weird situation as Bok Joo's father and uncle was continuously staring at Joon Hyung which makes him feel a bit awkward while eating. Bok Joo sit as a shield for Joon Hyung and made him eat all the precious wild abalone. He was really thankful for a hearty meal and a toad present from Bok Joo he received.

bok joo uncle suspicious bok joo first time take a boy with her and bok joo father was worried about the wild abalone joon hyung eat the wild abalone and after at night looking at the handmade toad he said she is surprisingly cute  - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Episode 6 (Eng Sub)
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