Namgun Min as Chief Kim really makes our day. This serial is so much fun and make us laugh enough that our cheeks feels like cracking ...

The Red vest with the Wonderful Ending - Chief Kim - Episode 6 Preview

By | Monday, February 13, 2017 Leave a Comment
Chief Kim - Episode 6 Preview

Namgun Min as Chief Kim really makes our day. This serial is so much fun and make us laugh enough that our cheeks feels like cracking out. At the same time we feel doubt for Chief Kim's character as he has a greed to earn a huge amount of money yet he become "Mr- Righteous". We couldn't find any dull moment to loose our attention.

Every next moment make us curious what blunder Chief Kim will end up in. His life looks so much adventurous even though he is not afraid of anyone, neither the director of finance nor the owner. The more he try to kick his job or being fired nothing happened his way.

chief kim help the TQ union members -  Chief Kim - Episode 6 Preview

The only thing seems more fishy is TQ planning department. Look like they are going after the big fraud and trying to involve Chief Kim as a bait. Things revealed the Chairman snatch his wife's (yu Sun) company and is now after something more big.
The director of finance Seo Yeol looks at undercover mission. He is a bad guy as he always yell at Chief Kim but his frustrated expressions make us smile. He was the one who pick Chief Kim on the bases what ever Chief Kim do he never get caught once.

There definitely be twist and more fun when Seo yeol know Ha Kyung his first crush turned out the spy of Chairman wife Yu Sun. Stay tuned to find out more about the adventurous life of Chief Kim.

prosecutor seo yeol warn the female sectary of TQ not to use tricks and thugs to solve the problems - Chief Kim - Episode 6 Preview
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