We have never seen any drama based on Jealousy theme. Cho Jung-Seok and Kong Hyo-Jin a promising cast for Jealousy Incarnate a new drama o...

Cho Jung Seok & Kong Hyo Jin Filming Start Jealousy Incarnate Korean Drama 2016

By | Friday, July 01, 2016 Leave a Comment
We have never seen any drama based on Jealousy theme. Cho Jung-Seok and Kong Hyo-Jin a promising cast for Jealousy Incarnate a new drama on KBS.
Its a romantic play remind us of Incarnation of money. So you can say its Incarnation of Jealousy sounds pretty cool.

Cho Jung Seok & Kong Hyo Jin Filming Start Jealousy Incarnate Korean Drama 2016

Choi Jung Seok remind us of "Oh My Ghostess" a coolest and devoted chef. Now we will see him as a news anchor a quite different character will surely have a great time watching him.

The story is about a Television world of news broadcasting where jealousy occur between two co workers anchor Lee Hwa-Shin and weather caster Pyo Na-Ri, One is the news anchor and the other one is weather broadcast anchor. A totally unique concept will crack a good story.

Cho Jung Seok & Kong Hyo Jin Filming Start Jealousy Incarnate Korean Drama 2016

Although we never imagine this pairing with jealousy theme but it will surely amaze the viewers. The other reason we will watch this drama its from the same write who wrote Pasta and Miss Korea.

As always Cho Jung-Seok appears to be a perfect man this time as a smart and handsome news anchor falls for Gong Hyo Jin but couldn't accept the reality.

Cho Jung Seok & Kong Hyo Jin Filming Start Jealousy Incarnate Korean Drama 2016

Even though we knew this the half story but what's the twist writer and director will show us that's the game of words and acting.

The drama will start from August 2016 so its a little time to wait for Macho Cho Jung Seok. All remain how will their chemistry of romance starts. Hopefully it will going to be another great serial. Here are few of the pictures stay tuned for more updates.

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