Something about one percent was heading towards her destiny. As we predict Da Hyun and Jae In were fated to be together but things sure have their different way. Both stuck into a relationship based over 6 months dating contract. The contract was about to over and they had a little reason to hang around each other.
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It was their last date when Jae In received a call regarding grandfather collapsed and is in critical condition OMG. The story become upside down things will sure be more difficult as the grandfather will be in hospital.
As the contract for 6 month dating was over both with the heavy heart said goodbye to each other and we were really touched by what they said. Jae In to Da Hyun meet a good man that way he will feel less sorry towards her and Da Hyun said the opposite to it don't meet a good women she will feel bad for her. We wonder what's their fate as they were seems to be apart as promised.