Bok Joo after a long though finally made her mind to join the fitness class at Doctor Jae Yi's clinic. It was because she wanted t...

First Fitness Class - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo Review Ep 4 (Our Thoughts)

By | Wednesday, December 14, 2016 Leave a Comment
bok joo strtled when doctor jae yi reomve the tissue piece from her forehead  - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Episode 4 (Eng Sub)

Bok Joo after a long though finally made her mind to join the fitness class at Doctor Jae Yi's clinic. It was because she wanted to see his face every day. Before giving up the signing fees she counted it multiple times  to confirm the accurate amount.

As for her it was the precious amount her father earns after all day hard work. Seeing her this cheezy we enjoyed the situation as of for her it was the matter of life and death.

its funny how bok joo count the money many times before joining the fitness clinic  - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Episode 4 (Eng Sub)

It was the first class session and she was told loosing weight in a healthy way is better then to starve or go on diet. We thought this diet class session would be informational for us too and its seems so. The funny reaction of Bok Joo's face made us laugh when the doctor wanted tp handshake before proceeding but Bok Joo seeing blisters on her hand replied with the high five.

 when doctor jae yi ask bok joo for handshake she first saw the bristles on her hand then give a high 5 when jae yi ask bok jo shall we move to bed she startled and bed she sure thought of something else - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Episode 4 (Eng Sub)

After the first class at the fitness clinic Bok Joo came out as happy as if she won some medal. On her way back to home she stopped by a jewellery vendor. Seeing different types of jewellery and hair accessories for a moment she thought for herself to be as pretty as other girls. The ajhumma helped her choosing the pretty bright red hair pin and compliment she looks more feminine wearing it.

bok joo purchased a red bright hairpin from the stall and was very happy - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Episode 4 (Eng Sub)

Bok Joo was really very happy she wanted to return the umbrella with the thank you. While having lunch at the campus she left it in the middle and run so she might not get late for the class. Her friends surprised why she was in a hurry and they thought she might going for helping her dad during delivery orders.
She ended up at the health clinic and before entering she didn't forget to wear the hairpin which makes her look more cute. It was also noticed by the doctor which make Bok Joo a little shy when praised by him.

 bok joo give back the umbrella to doctor jae yi and he notice the hairpin on bok joo head and she become happy telling it was rolling on the floor lolx - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Episode 4 (Eng Sub)

Another cuteness of Bok Joo make us smile. She in a hurry ran for the fitness class and was soaked in the rain. On her way she used tissue paper to wipe up the face and a piece was stucked over there. The doctor noticed and took it off but it was Bok Joo's first time when her crush touched her face this makes her all happy inside.

 while coming to the fitness clinic bok joo soaked in rain doctor jay yi pick the tissue piece and she happy being noticed and cared by him - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Episode 4 (Eng Sub)

Nothing could be gain without a twist and achieving a goal wasn't that easy as Bok Joo thought of it. It was really unbelievable for her to bump into Joon Hyung at the fitness clinic. As he had the sharp eye just for Bok Joo he noticed and shout "what are you doing here and what are you wearing" it was a shock for Bok Joo to se him over there. We also never expect Joon Hyung was show at  the fitness clinic when Bok Joo was about to take her class there.

 joon hyung encounter bok joo at jae yi's fitness clinic and she shocked how can joon hyung be jae yi brother - Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo - Episode 4 (Eng Sub)

Doctor Jae Yi hearing Joon Hyung voice come out of his room and ask does the two of them knew each other. Joon Hyung who couldn't stop himself for revealing the two of them go to the same university the episode ends leaving lot of curiosity.

As of we wanted to knew will Joon Hyung going to reveal things about Bok Joo what will Bok Joo's reaction. Also how will Doctor Jae yi treat Bok Joo when he knew about real self. So there were many questions left as Jon Hyung enters Jae Yi's clinic. 
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