So far the story and the female character didn't appeal us. May be because we saw her in the serious role. May be the reason she did a...

He Only Wears Black, He's like a Cockroach - Quick Thoughts on My Shy Boss - Ep 4 Preview

By | Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Leave a Comment
So far the story and the female character didn't appeal us. May be because we saw her in the serious role. May be the reason she did all the weird all the weird things so far like brag in the office, went through all of his stuff without any hesitation, also drank water without permission, then try to physically assault him. This wasn't all she spread false rumors on internet and then made him a Courier. 
All this looks really odd. She was just after to take revenge of her elder sister suicide. We couldn't understand the main motive of the story. The Boss started to feel concern for her and she was giving him the hard time. 

the boss who only wears black - My Shy Boss - Ep 4 Preview

The preview give us the hints its not the Boss who killed her sister so far may be its her sister's own fault and the innocent Boss is now paying the price by protecting his employees. Look like her sister was interested in Boss Friend who was the other CEO what ever that story was in the past will surely reveal in further episode. We think she might going to regret it later. Its solely our views may be other love to watch the Shy Boss this pattern.

But that little employee shouldn't act terrible as now she was being treated so kindly. Now she again misjudge the Boss and suspicious of his personal activities, why he always wear black, what he do when the staff leaves. She secretly stayed back at the office to find out. She peek a chance and saw the Boss was dancing alone like a cockroach lolx. 

the new girl employee sneak into boss room and saw her dancing - My Shy Boss - Ep 4 Preview
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