We were too curious to knew what actually happen 10 years ago, how the artist end up being murdered and the house was set on fire. It ...

The Kiss in the Fire (Finale Review) Naked Fireman - Episode 4

By | Tuesday, January 24, 2017 Leave a Comment
chul soo told jin ah its a pepper spray for self defense  - Naked Fireman - Episode 4

We were too curious to knew what actually happen 10 years ago, how the artist end up being murdered and the house was set on fire. It was a flash back scene where the fireman were trying to save the people.

Young Chul Soo show up and told the fireman the little girl hasn't been rescued and lead them the way to her room. Finally with Chul Soo's help the fireman was able to save little Jin Ah.

 10 years back chul soo was the one who with the help of fireman saved jin ah - Naked Fireman - Episode 4

Chul Soo told everything to Jin Ah about him being innocent and also reveal the real criminal is Detective Nam with the prove that  he saw him hiding in Seong Jin apartment. He followed him but the alley ends and he disappears. Jin Ah was in the delima whom to trust yet she was giving a chance to trust what Chul Soo' says.

 chul soo told jin ah that the detective keeping an eye on her from last 10 years - Naked Fireman - Episode 4

Chul Soo talk to Seong Jin and told him that Jin Ah will going to help him. Her aunt and Seong Jin told not to trust her mean while the patrol police was coming towards the telephone booth Jin Ah quickly run to Chul Soo to avoid him being notice.

 as chul soo was being chased by the police jin ah helped her - Naked Fireman - Episode 4

Jin Ah take Chul Soo to a hotel and told him it will be the safer place no one could suspect him as the fugitive staying at the hotel with the girl. In the room Jin Ah found a perfume spray and wanted to check the fragrance. Chul Soo told him don't do it for self defense. It was our first time to knew about the pepper spray one can use for self defense. He bought it for the girl who was being stalked.

jin ah took chul soo in a hotel and promise to help him in finding the evidence- Naked Fireman - Episode 4

Jin Ah finally stepped out to find the evidence and prove Chul Soo's innocence. She was near Seong Jin house and met detective Nam to avoid suspicion she told him she was there to meet her aunt. Things happened and she finally knew the real face of criminal Detective Nam but nothing could be of help as she was kidnapped by him.

 jin ah while finding the evidence caught by the detective and he told why he did to her parents back then - Naked Fireman - Episode 4

Detective Nam showed his true side and reason why he killed his parents. We were too angry to hear his lousy reason and come to knew that actually he was the psychopath. He drug Jin Ah with aspirin who was already suffering from the asthma allergy.
She begged him to let her live and she will give him money but all detective Nam wanted to knew about where Chul Soo's hiding. He made her call him and while taking she left a secret clue for Chul Soo. He saw the note in the dustbin which says run away. He then finally find out Jin Ah being in danger when she didn't pick up the call but reply to his message the fish at the resturant was tasty.

jin ah secret code message to chul soo  - Naked Fireman - Episode 4

Finally Chul Soo came to Jin Ah's house. The taxi driver recognize him as the fugitive and call the police station. Chul Soo tried to bargain with detective Nam that he had the car video he can give him, also they can become accomplice to take money from Jin Ah.

It was becoming to tense when they both receive the call the webcam memory card was lost. Detective Nam while fighting with Chul Soo end lost consciousness. Chul Soo found Jin Ah but the room was on fire. He finally rescued Jin Ah and also saved detective Nam.

 chul soo saved jin ah from the fire and kissed her - Naked Fireman - Episode 4

Detective Nam was been arrested and was sentence to death. Finally Jin Ah was able to catch the real criminal and prove Chul Soo being innocent. She visited Officer Gwang Ho and also her parents cementary. At first we thought chul soo being died in the fire while saving detective nam

the detective punish by the law , jin ah met with the senior fireman and talk about chul soo  - Naked Fireman - Episode 4

But Thank God the hero was fine. Jin Ah went to meet him. She also was angry on him why he ignored her because of the fireman job. The two of them argued but end up confession their feelings. Jin Ah become bold enough to propose Chul Soo "let's date".

The drama ends we really enjoyed  watching this mini serial. We recommend you to watch it.

 jin ah met with chul soo propose him for date - Naked Fireman - Episode 4
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