Episode 4 starts when Kang Chul was telling one of his fellow about the incident happen in his life. He was in search of the truck who...

The World Exist in Webtoon - Two Worlds W - Ep 4 Review (Our Thoughts)

By | Monday, August 01, 2016 Leave a Comment
The World Exist in Webtoon - W Episode 4 Review - Korean Drama 2016

Episode 4 starts when Kang Chul was telling one of his fellow about the incident happen in his life. He was in search of the truck who came of no where to hit Kang Chul but he couldn't find the truck. Same goes for other things, they didn't have any link before to the story but after something happen the content of the story continues. He also was wondering who trying to kill him and why. We were also curious as for what will going to happen next.

The World Exist in Webtoon - W Episode 4 Review - Korean Drama 2016

On the other hand Kang Chul order the daily use life accessories for Yeon Joo as she will be staying at the penthouse for a long time, she will need them. The things were too classy and expensive which proves Kang Chul had a lot of money. Every body call Yeon Joo , Kang Chul Fiance, which surprised her. She called Chul and talk about it.

Chul explained he didn't want any one to notice she is being kept as hostage, and make both Chul & her position ackward. He was too sharp to come up and notice things what will going to happen in his surroundings. What if he wasn't careful it was the end of his life.

Yeon Joo was trying to find the way go back in the end of the conversation , she again told Chul "I Love You", Chul smiling replied "You know this doesn't work on me". After hanging up the call Chul talking to himself "If i hear it one more time, i might get Swayed".

The World Exist in Webtoon - W Episode 4 Review - Korean Drama 2016

We didn't think something unexpected will happen to Yeon Joo while staying in Web toons world. Chul's personal assistant Soo Hee dragged Yeon Joo out of the pent house to spend time and drink. But it wasn't Soo Hee's true intension she was planing something bad to Yeon Joo. She left her alone in the middle saying wait for me i will be back, that's the moment Yeon Joo got trapped in Hotel staff eyes. They start gossiping she is the witness who saved President Chul.

One of the female waitress call the police. Yeon Joo noticing the tense atmosphere ran from there but end up being caught as a suspect who attacked president Chul.

The World Exist in Webtoon - W Episode 4 Review - Korean Drama 2016

The guard Chul and told Yeon Joo got caught, i couldn't help her and its all Soo Hee's fault. The story took another turn now Yeon Joo was under investigation and the detective was questioning her who she is and what's her real identity and what's the fake business card she was caring around. She was sitting dump and didn't had anything to say. Actually she can't disclose she is from another world.

It was very hard to her to bear the reality happening to her. Now its her time to suffer, she was realizing how it was painful for the innocents who didn't do wrong but receives punishment. Kang Chul came back after two days. On the way back he fired personal assistant Soo Hee saying its all fault even though he asked her to keep things away from police and detective, she didn't listen to the orders so she has no right to be the personal assistant.

The World Exist in Webtoon - W Episode 4 Review - Korean Drama 2016

Kang Chul met Yeon Joo and said there is one way she can go back to her world if she answer all the questions and make him surprise. She said she can't tell it will going to effect Chul's life but Chul said "I won't regret". I know how hard is the life, i already experienced four seasons in here.

Previous Post: W Episode 3 Review

The World Exist in Webtoon - W Episode 4 Review - Korean Drama 2016

Yeon had no choice but to tell Chul actually its the world of webtoon and chul is themain character of the cartoon. OMG its surprised us how come in episode 4 Yeon Joo revealed the truth so easily. It might be for good, may be this cartoon world will vanish away. All the suffering of Yeon Joo & Chul will get an end.

This revelation was too shocking that surprised Chul. He actually is not a human but a cartoon character and every thing in his world is all fake. There conversation and the atmosphere become too suspicious. Me thought maybe its assumption of Yeon Joo & Chul they are just thinking, the next scene is not relate to this situation.

But i was wrong when i saw the caption "To Be continued". Yeon Joo also saw it, its the sign when ever it appears Yeon Joo teleport back to her world and the happening in Chul's life take a break. Yeon Joo slowly disappear in front of Chul.

The World Exist in Webtoon - W Episode 4 Review - Korean Drama 2016

She was back in the real world and found herself at bus stop. The most shocking thing she was wearing the prisoner uniform. Her face was looking too pale as she had faced a long term of hardship. Assistant Bong shocked to see her in this state. he was mad at himself saying its all his fault.

He also told Yeon Joo that it been only 30 minutes i came here the girl gave your cell phone and the bag. When i was in the car I got a call from the office and i check the webtoon. While seeing the female in prisoner clothes i saw you got back. Were you really in Jail? How come all this happen i can't understand.

The World Exist in Webtoon - W Episode 4 Review - Korean Drama 2016

Then he helped Yeon Jo change her clothes and took her back to the office. In Chu;'s world everything went upside down. The police was searching Yeon Joo how can she disappear from this tight security, even she wasn't on any of the cam. Things become too complicated.

Assistant Bong told Yeon Joo "If you go back there, You Will be Dhot by the police", But Yeon Joo was all worried what will going to happen to Chul? Then Assistant Bong said "How can You worry about a cartoon Character now?". 

The World Exist in Webtoon - W Episode 4 Review - Korean Drama 2016

If we end it here, This is the best option we have, then you shouldn't had go back to the web toon world .. everything will going to be resolve.

In Chul's World one of his enemy who was the prosecutor in charge caught on his weakness what happened during his visit to Jail. He was planing to step on Chul and destroy Him. Here also we didn't expect the prosecutor will jump into Chul's life.

Assistant Bong was ready to end the Web Toon series W. He was about to wrote "The End. Due to personal reasons, 'll end the story here ... Thank You for your support". It was his step and was thinking everything will  going to be back in its state. But suddenly everything erased and the computer screen got blanked. He was shocked and scared he checked the other screens but they were the same as blank.

The World Exist in Webtoon - W Episode 4 Review - Korean Drama 2016

Chul while talking to his co worker on phone suddenly felt something strange happening in his surrounding. Every thing was stopped only Chul was there feeling he is alive. He remember what Yeon Joo said everything is related to the main character.

Its all fiction in the world of Webtoon everything stops. Chul walk around and started crying what is happening, then he saw a screen out of no where appears.He touched the screen and feels something strange and remember the screen also appear when some body attacked him on the roof. He without thinking anything took the gun from the one of the policemen and walk into the screen.  

The World Exist in Webtoon - W Episode 4 Review - Korean Drama 2016

He is now in the real world where Yeon Joo lives. He found himself on the rooftop. We were amazed to see he came out of the Yeon Joo Father broken Webtoon screen. This story surely is amazing a fairy tale or the story with in a story. May be a time travel from toon world to real world. As for the next episode we are curious where would the story take the turn. Will he remain in this world or going to go back to his world. May be he is here to meet Yeon Joo and ask about the story next phase which is related to his life.

In this episode we come to realize the character Yeon Joo father was drawing and writing the story W actually started existing for real. Its all for now stay tuned for next episode review.

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