It was a surprise to see another affair based story Ms. Perfect after watching " My Wife having and Affair " and " On the w...

Sung Joon a Mean Man to Cho Yeo Cheong in Ms. Perfect - Drama 2017

By | Sunday, February 19, 2017 Leave a Comment
It was a surprise to see another affair based story Ms. Perfect after watching "My Wife having and Affair" and "On the way to the airport". This drama based on 20 episodes with another title "Perfect Wife" starting soon on KBS2.

Sung Joon a Mean Man to Cho Yeo Cheong in Ms. Perfect - Drama 2017

The female lead Cho Yeo Cheong remind us of "Lovers of Haeundae", "I need romance" and a mini serial "Baby Sitter".

Yoon Sang-Hyun the male lead was one of our favourite from "My Fair lady", "Secret Garden", "Gap Dong", "Ms temper & nam Jung Gi" and "Shopping King Louis".

The second male lead Sung Joon remind us of his work in "White Christmas", "Lie To Me", "Shut up flower boy band", "Gu family Book", "I need romance 3", "Hyde Jekyll & me", "Discovery of Romance", "High Society" and "Madame Antoine". So all of his dramas made us not to think any doubt for watching him in Ms Perfect.

 Ms. Perfect - Drama 2017

The story revolves around Sim Jae Bok a married women who face hardships while supporting her children. She become a wild temper women and unexpectedly involve in a case and her life become upside down. 

Her personality has a stiffness who can't ignore any kind of injustice and hates flattery. When ever she feels these around her she just grid her teeth as she can't do anything. She neglected herself to support her family and was almost about to lost her self sense but reminding of something she again decided to regain her identity. 

She met Sung Hyun who was materlistic and has a sense of humor too but he was a mean man. he looks younger then her and has a charming personality. We always wonder why Sung Joon always being paired with noonas or ajhummas. Still he mark his character well. Looking forward for a great chemistry in Ms Perefct.

 Ms. Perfect - Drama 2017

Look like this year we will gonna see the affair base cheating wife and time travel dramas. Even though the plot too interesting we couldn't guess anything more about the story, the character and their chemistry. The drama will be starting soon right after "Hwarang The beginning" ends. Stay tuned for more cool updates.

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