Finally Innocent defendant ended at its destination. The story was really well organized and suspenseful specially the character of Ch...

Yeon Hee Shake Cha Min Ho at The Trial - Innocent Defendant: Episode 18 Finale (Review)

By | Saturday, April 08, 2017 Leave a Comment
cha min ho at the trial - Innocent Defendant: Episode 18 Finale

Finally Innocent defendant ended at its destination. The story was really well organized and suspenseful specially the character of Cha Min Ho. Other then Cha Min Ho, Prosecutor Park and Chul Sik chemistry was really awesome.

At last Prosecutor Park caught Cha Min Ho at the airport right before he was leaving the country. It was due to the help of his wife Yeon hee who at the last moment betray Cha Min Ho and spill up the beans for his evil doings.

cha min ho become insane infront of the reporters - Innocent Defendant: Episode 18 Finale

For sure we knew Cha Min Ho will try to use his money and pull the strings of his connections to get out this time too. But Prosecutor Park got on his nerves. Every time we see him we love to hear Min Hoo Yaa.

As promised Chul Sik got a retrial with the help of Prosecutor Park and finally released. Things were getting back one by one but whenever assume Cha Min Ho will act insane in order to deceive all the charges over his mental status.

chul shik got a retrial and sent to the prison again, cha min ho received a good treatment because of the status -  Innocent Defendant: Episode 18 Finale

He asked for evaluation retrial and it happened to be done by Prosecutor Park which make us smile. This time he was ready holding the strings tight and not letting any loop hole for Cha Min Ho to escape. Seeing his acting made us really speechless no doubt he has guts to do anything just to escape from all the charges.

Not only this right hand Kim Suk and Prosecutor Kang Joon Hyuk stand as the witness for Cha Min Ho crime and gave their statement against him, this also didn't shake Cha Min Ho he was too confident thinking to be bailed out soon. Unexpectedly Yeon hee appear as the final witness and with her statement she made Cha Min Ho confess for the evil deeds by revealing his real identity. It was the last stone that finally shaked Cha Min Ho.  

prosecutor joon hyuk and right hand kim seok give the testimony for cha min ho's crime but that didn't shake cha min ho's confidence till her wife Yeon hee revealed his real identity -  Innocent Defendant: Episode 18 Finale

Milyang also got a retrial with the help of public lawyer Eun Hye. Though he received an unjust punishment for 20 years but finally his charges were removed.

Cha Min Ho was sent to the same prison and though he would going to receive VIP treatment but darn to his thinking he was treated like a normal criminal which make him more mad. His punishment become more worse when prosecutor Park came to meet him and reveal his wife and son went abroad and he won't be able to meet them for lifetime. This was the worst for him.

cha min ho sent to the punishment cell and prosecutor Park come and tell him his wife and son leave the country it was the worst punishment for him -  Innocent Defendant: Episode 18 Finale

Things were back to their places though time flew away and snatch the happiness and beloved people, still who were left were happy. After finishing the punishment Moongchi with his grand prize open a shop with the help of Wooruk. He also propose the female doctor and was about to get married.
It was a happy reunion when Miryang and Bangjang got released. This scene make us cry when then all met up. They are all happy like a family and promised each other they won't go to prison again.

the inmates after releasing from the prison they look like a family and promise not togo back to the prison again - Innocent Defendant: Episode 18 Finale

Ha Yeon finally come to knew the truth about her mother death, she was too lonely when visit the cimetery with prosecutor park. But she realize what has gone from her life and promise to be brave.

Prosecutor Park was back at his self and was now after Park Ki Tae, means another trial for the truth has been started. Ignoring the orders of the back sheep he with his team went after top catch the culprit and make him pay for wrong doings.

Prosecutor park was back at his self catching the black fishes whom the higer ups were blocking to hide the corruption - Innocent Defendant: Episode 18 Finale

Finally an awesome mystery crime drama come to an end and make us remember it for a long time. Every character did a brilliant job, we never though Cha Min Ho character will be this cruel and powerful we watch all the episodes sitting on the edge of the chair with the curiosity what will going to happen next.

A big clap for the team specially the writer who writer a super story and the crew members who produce it very well. Looking forward for another remarkable story drama till then stay tuned to have a happy kdrama time.
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