Hold your breath and control your senses we will going to talk about a horror thriller drama "Coma". Its not easy to talk about the full story but it one of its unique thriller drama consist of 5 episodes based on a mysterious hospital. It was one of scariest drama we had ever seen, we scared a lot while watching it. My sister was cursing me why did you download this scary drama. You know why she was like this? Because we started watching this drama after 11 pm ehehehehe!

After watching the drama our imagination became totally opposite. We thought it would be a story of a person who was in coma and woke after many years. Yes it was but not as we assume. Through out the drama the atmosphere of the hospital was creepy and the behaviour of the staff was suspicious.

The story starts with secrets about the hospital, it have to shut down in few days but another door at the back of the hospital opens and secrets have been hidden there from the last ten years revealed. It was all about a patient who was in coma for ten years. He was the only patient inthe hospital. There was a clash between a doctor and the director of the hospital. One of the nurse eye witness the incident ten years ago in the hospital, but she didn't say anything. The detective tried to find out what happened but he only come to know someone was blackmailing the director.

A girl wanted a survey of the hospital before it shutdown. She has the brilliant ability to see dead people. While survey the basement she saw corpse asking her to kill her. But the corpse was actually of the only patient who was in the state of coma. In the last it was too scary when five people were at the same scene in operation theater and every thing mysterious about the murderers disclose.

The people making behind this drama did a great job to make it real, scary and horror. We recommend this drama if you have guts to watch it.
I gathered some pictures from http://www.hancinema.net, for all those readers who have interest in this type of drama.
What we Inspire
- A lot of scariness
- Never watch these type of drama after midnight
- Life isn't a bed of roses
- Thing happen we didn't imagine
- You can't believe or trust easily in this world
- Not every time we want to watch romantic melodrama