As Ra On came back we were happy but there was something she must have already decided. We weren't sure what was it. But it will sure...

You Must Miss Him - Love In The Moonlight - Ep 14 Preview - Our Thoughts

By | Tuesday, October 04, 2016 Leave a Comment
As Ra On came back we were happy but there was something she must have already decided. We weren't sure what was it. But it will surely not to stay in the palace as she already knew the things by her mother and Master Jeong why she shouldn't be in the palace.

Love In The Moonlight - Episode 14 Preview (Eng Sub)

Premier Kim along with the officials were all set to catch Ra On. The officials were thinking what if she ran away and they weren't able to catch her what will they do next. On the other hand the Rebel Group/ Mask Mans decided to show up their real force and come infront with their motive.

Moreover things weren't good at the palace as the Crown Prince wedding was announced and the preparations were started. We wonder what if at the last moment Crown Prince again change his mind not to go along with the wedding as Ra On again left his side, what will going to happen then.
Ra On and Yun Sung met they both were sad Yun Sun talked about how he feels all lonely as the person he wanted to be with is really far away. Premier Kim didn't give up on catching Ra On and was making things harder for Crown Prince. He met with the king and bring all in his knowledge that Hong Gyeons daughter is still alive and he will soon be able to catch her and will surely bring infront of his majesty.

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Things become more twisted up as they caught some one from the Rebel Group known as the mask man. Crown Prince wanted to see who that is and was surprised so were we. We hope its not Ra On and premier Kim will not be successful in doing the dirty politics he continued till now. All the questions will surely have an answer so wait for the next episode to knew what will going to happen.  
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