K2 will surely be more interesting as of the episode 6 preview. Je Ha was called to 9th Floor which known as the cloud nine and we were sure his duty from the special force had been shifted to the 9th floor where he will be the personal guard of Madam Yo Jin. And yes it was it. But the very second moment Madam Yoo Jin confuse us by saying she will announce an open war. It must be to get rid of President Kwang Soo.
Things take another turn and Anna was out of the house unbelievable as she has the trauma of social phobia and lights how can she manage to be out there. There must be something that made him like this. She also happen to knew some kind of Madam weakness and motives and believe that his Dad become like this is because of the Madam.
As for as she knew her dad wasn't such kind of person. What understanding daughter she was even living apart from his father she knows him well then any one else.
She was a lonely child and thinks of herself being lost. She prayed and waited to long that some time her dad might come and find her. We are too worried for An Na to remain safe and sound and pray that Je Ha must protect her till the end.