It was really hard for the mermaid to survive in Seoul. She appeared to be the weird creature on the earth in human disguise as she di...

Mermaid in the Aquarium - The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 3 (Our Thoughts)

By | Monday, November 28, 2016 Leave a Comment
 sim chung saw joon jae from the aquarium  - The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 3 (Eng Sub)

It was really hard for the mermaid to survive in Seoul. She appeared to be the weird creature on the earth in human disguise as she didn't knew how to move on and make a living. She bump into an beggar ajhumma and with her help she got some warm clothes to put on. We really feel pity for her life as Sim Chung was the princess mermaid in underwater world. But in human world she turned out to be the pitiful one.

The ajhumma concludes her situation that she has been dumped by her boyfriend and was looking for him. Hearing this Sim Chung told her that she was looking for Hae Joon Jae but didn't knew where he lives. He just told her he lives in Seoul. Now she didn't had any idea where hae Joon Jae was living. The ajhumma give her the clue may be he talk about some specific place he use to visit just brag in there and capture him.

Sim chung take some clothes near the begger ajhumma as she was shivering from cold the ajhuma also give help giving her a clue finding joon jae  - The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 3 (Eng Sub)

The ajuhmma did one good thing was to let Sim Chung search for the lost boyfriend. She wrote the bus number on her hand and guide her. Sim Chung got to the bus it was another funny scene she depict the people how they enter in the bus. The first put his pouch, the second one use the mobile phone and the third one use her back pocket.

She didn't had anything like this so she just copy the third one's act and touch her butt to check in as the bus card lolx. Nothing happened so she touch her Shell pouch it wasn't of any use. The driver ask about the bus card if not then she can pay in cash. Unfortunately she didn't have enough cash but the amount she got from the little kid so the bus driver took a pity and let her in.

 shim chung the mermaid when enter in the bus first she touch her butt and then her shell pouch to enter in the bus lolx- The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 3 (Eng Sub)

The bus ride also gave us many fun moment all the way Sim Chung acted funny seen things like it was the fantasy world for her to be in for the first time. Finally she was infront of the biggest building once Joon Jae mentioned he use to visit it a lot.
She told herself if she can go up to there may be she can see Joon Jae. How innocent she was we really feel sorry for her.  It look like an alien lost in human world. She manage to enter in the building without any problem and then saw the aquarium. She become too excited saying "Oh its food there". She jumped in the water and turned into the mermaid.

 sim chung reach the place which joon jae mentioned she saw lot of fishes in the aquarium and become happy saying i am hungry its food - The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 3 (Eng Sub)

The security when saw the mermaid show started before the time checked and found its someone else who barged in so they went there to capture her but end up when Sim Chung say sorry and threw one of the fellow into the water. After this she ran and bumped into Joon Jae.

 joon jae received a picture in which he was with sinm chung in spain the aquarium security accuse sim chung to enter in her without permission - The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 3 (Eng Sub)

It was the flash back scene back in Spain when she along with Joon Jae jump into the sea to save Joon Jae's life and then kissed him. The memory of her was erased from Joon Jae's mind. She thought it would be best for Joon Jae to forget him for the time being as they were meant  to meet in Seoul somehow.

 sim chung in spain after kissing and taking joon jae out from water gave her the jade bracelet and leave his side - The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 3 (Eng Sub)
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