Little Guem Bi saves Gan Hee Ajhumma from being getting conned by her father and his friends as she appeared at Gang hee house when s...

The Ramen & Summer Camp - Oh My Geum-Bi Review Ep 2 (Our Thoughts)

By | Tuesday, December 13, 2016 Leave a Comment
 guem bi staring at ja young for kicking her father earlier - Oh My Geum-Bi - Episode 2 (Eng Sub)

Little Guem Bi saves Gan Hee Ajhumma from being getting conned by her father and his friends as she appeared at Gang hee house when she was about to make a deal. Everything got messed up Hwi Chul seeing Guem Bi changed his side and revealed his true identity as Guem Bi's father he ended up getting kicked by Jae Kyung. It was for betraying them in the middle of the business. Hwi Chul lost conscious and it was Gang Hee who took care of him.

 hwi chul unconscious at woo hee house after getting a kick from ja young when he come to his senses he take guem with him and left guem bi told him its look like he was drooling - Oh My Geum-Bi - Episode 2 (Eng Sub)

Unfortunately as he lost the business deal earlier at Gang Hee house things didn't go well for him as he came back to home there he was kicked by the house owner for not paying 6 month rent and now had no where to go.

He can't look up to his friends as he already betrayed them over a business deal for Guem Bi so they won't let him in.  The little Guem Bi was now worried where will they going to go.

 hwi chul when cme back he found out the house owner kicked their luggage out of the house as they didn't pay 6 months rent - Oh My Geum-Bi - Episode 2 (Eng Sub)

The two of them end up at Suana. Hwi Chul was all curious how Guem Bi end up coming to him he asked what happened as he wanted to knew about Guem Bi's mother but she was the nut case who cracked down Hwi Chul's mind by saying why don't you remember anything.
Hwi Chul did a tit for tat and threw another question what did you eat a week ago and Guem Bi irritatly replied how can she remember that infact it goes with Hwi Chul with is personality he can't remember what happened 10 years ago.

 hwi chul take guem bi at the suana after they didn't have any place to live - Oh My Geum-Bi - Episode 2 (Eng Sub)

They can't stay long at the Suana so the two of them was back at their car again. As Hwi Chul didn't had a proper work to earn for daily life neither he saved anything so now he was out of money to feed Guem Bi and himself a proper meal.

He bought ramen and while cooking the two of them argued over cooked and uncooked ramen which ended up spilling on the ground. In the end non of them got to eat it. Hwi Chul cried like a little boy who was dying of hunger.

 hwi chul made ramen and both stuck in the argument  of over cook noodles and undercook noodles in the end the the ramen pot fell down on the ground - Oh My Geum-Bi - Episode 2 (Eng Sub)

Guem Bi was way being too mature to predict about life and seasons as well. She told Hwi Chul it will going to rain and he didn't listen saying nothing to bother he has already set up the waterproof tent.

The scene turned out to be funny when it rained and the water proof tent wasn't enough to protect them from being soaked by rain. Guem Bi taunt it was the water proof tent and Hwi Chul replied you can see once water comes in won't go out lolx. But for Guem it turns out to be a memory with his father as they were out for an adventurous summer camp.

 when the rain start guem bi and hwi chul come in the tent but all the water come inside when guem bi ask hui chul you said its the water proof tent - Oh My Geum-Bi - Episode 2 (Eng Sub)
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