The preview is not good for the king and A Ro. Look like the conspirators made their mind and set up a trap to caught the King. As Park Yo...

A Ro's Life is in Danger - Quick Thoughts on Hwarang - Episode 11 Preview

By | Friday, January 20, 2017 Leave a Comment
The preview is not good for the king and A Ro. Look like the conspirators made their mind and set up a trap to caught the King. As Park Young Shil the main conspirator possess Dragon Head bracelet King wears on his wrist. We wonder how come this bracelet be in hands of Park Young Shil.

 a ro said your highness - Hwarang - Episode 11 Preview

As we have seen in the previous episode Sun Woo was wearing that bracelet to find its owner in order to take revenge for his friends death. The conspirator was too keen he noticed king's prcense in Hwarang and will be now after finding Sam Meak Jeong.

Also A Ro was very worried for Sun Woo who fainted earlier she was the one who saved and bought him and now lying with him in the bed. Its not they are having a good time but someone she will be caring and treating Sun Woo.

 ji dwi dragon head bracelet in hands of conspirators and a ro sleep with brother sun woo may be ji dwi also saw them kissing- Hwarang - Episode 11 Preview

Looking forward to the situation in Hwarang the instructors order them to practice Martial Art skills. Thing will surely reveal how Sun Woo & Ji Dwi become little closer. Though its a good sign but on the other hand it will going to be worse when the truth will be revealed regarding the king.
Sun Woo is looking for the owner of the bracelet as though he lost it, what if he knew it would be Ji Dwi the king of Silla will he going to take revenge or try to understand the situation back then.

 the queen ask princess suk meyung to get rid of A ro - Hwarang - Episode 11 Preview

The Evil Queen showed her witchy side as she couldn't control her own son and saw him rebeling for a mere girl who turned out to be the daughter of the man who once rejected her. The Queen order the emotion less Princess Sook Myung to finish off A Ro with out knowing anyone.

That Fair witch couldn't do any thing herself and now using the Princess as an excuse to target King's subject. Stay tuned to find out which knight going to save A Ro this time. Have a Happy kdrama watching. 
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