We were really touched with the series Let's eat season 1 and let's eat season 2. We were waiting for let's eat season 3 inste...

A Unique Slice of Life with High Quality Trash & Nau Gaeru - Drinking Solo Review

By | Friday, January 20, 2017 Leave a Comment
We were really touched with the series Let's eat season 1 and let's eat season 2. We were waiting for let's eat season 3 instead we come to watch "Let's Drink / Drinking Solo". A similar theme drama which shows the lives of the teachers and student who love to drink and eat.

A Unique Slice of Life with High Quality Trash & Nau Gaeru - Drinking Solo Review

It was a story of the Teachers and the student of the famous tutoring academy in Seoul. This academy was famous after Ha Seok Jin joined. He was known as a "High Quality Trash" among his co workers. As for the student he was the brilliant, intelligent and hard working teacher. He appears to be arrogant reserved personality who has a habit of drinking solo.
We really enjoyed Ha Seok Jin's character here as he deliciously eat which make our mouth watery. As for the drink he never drunk too much to knock out, he has high standards and a reputation. he always check his alcohol level with an application install in his mobile. 

A Unique Slice of Life with High Quality Trash & Nau Gaeru - Drinking Solo Review

After watching 4 episode we just skipped the serial. It was due to their daily routein life didn't attract our attention yet we completely watch this drama when the serial ends. It was like a quireky slice life drama in which every teacher was struggling hard to survive and wanted to become closer to Ha Seok Jin because of his popularity among student and high profiled education.

One of them there was the female teacher Park Ha Na struggling hard to survive but her stupid acts turn her into a laughing stock into the students. It happened on her first lecture when she fainted during the student teacher introduction.

Drinking Solo was a very fun drama that was an easy watch. It’s like a quirky slice of life drama. We get a look into a tutoring academy as we watch the joys and struggles of the teachers and students. But this little world is populated by some very unique and off-the-wall characters that provide lots of laughs and entertainment.

Professor Jin give her name "Nau Gaeru" a new employee who did stupid things knowingly. She also love to drink and always dream to become a prominent teacher who can confidentally face Professor Jin as when ever she meets him she become nervous.

Professor Jin & professor Ha Na like to drink alone after all day hectic routein - Drinking Solo Review

There were many funny things but our only interest was focus on when they drink and eat delicious food. This drama was really a piece of art and the food presentation was awesome. We love specially when Professor Jin eat it. He makes really great faces showing he is really enjoying his solo life without any disturbance.  

professor jin while drinking solo enjoy high quality music and food and never forget to take the picture - Drinking Solo Review

Other then professor Jin, Professor Park Ha Na appears to be a quite pushover. She always visit Professor Jin social account to check out his recent status and always the one who never forget to comment. 

In other words she was impressed and envy the way Professor Jin takes life and always drink alone having expensive delicious food. Of course she was sweet and lovely but was struggling hard for the life. Also at the academy it was tough for her to survive.

She had to struggle a lot being a new teacher. While drinking she always make hilarious expressions as if she had a better meal then Professor Jin. We wonder why she always compare herself t the high quality trash. Aside her nature she was too observant when it comes to drink and eat. 

professor park ha na the first to comment on doctor jin social post - Drinking Solo Review

There is a lot more to talk about this unique drama. As we come to knew the daily life of different people how they enjoy drinking solo while talking about their sorrows and happiness at the same time.  

There was plenty of alcohol, drinks and Sujo every body loved it. The drama paints a picture how people indulged in alcohol to deal with their problems. It make us feel that they were comforted with alcohol and some time it didn't help. We believe if you drink too much you won't able to over come your sorrows and things will be really a mess.  
a unique life while drinking solo with delicious food - Drinking Solo Review

Over all it was a light and fun drama which make us remind of High Quality Trash and his drinking habits. There was lot of humor in every episode specially when one of the fellow Professor every day change his disguise with the famous characters with their accent. Some times he appear to be a chef, sometime a solider, sometime a detective. We can just say it was nicely balanced, humor and comedy filled drama we didn't regret watching it. 
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