The story of the voice was really mind blowing specially the episode when the real killer showed up. We were for sure the Jaw cracker ...

Detective Jin Hyuk face Off with Jaw Cracker Guy - Voice: Episode 8 Preview

By | Thursday, February 16, 2017 Leave a Comment
Voice: Episode 8 Preview

The story of the voice was really mind blowing specially the episode when the real killer showed up. We were for sure the Jaw cracker guy was not the real killer yet he acted all to make him one. He was also a bait and will going to be frame in something bigger since he was exposed by the crazy dog detective Jin Hyuk.

Previous Post: Rebel Episode 7 Preview

Because of the Crazy ajhumma Officer Kang kwang Jo got many clues about the criminal who were plotting for the dective called crazy dog. It was the relief the ajhumma wasn't the criminal infact she was the one who become a helping hand for the police.

detective Jin hyuk vs jaw cracking guy - Voice: Episode 8 Preview

The poor old ajhumma suffered a lot and end up a tragic death by the same killer "Kim Jae Wook" probably. Every episode nearly give us the heart attack when the crime scene and the reason of the crime revealed.
We really feel sorry for the ajhumma death and now worried for detective Jin Hyuk and Profiler Kang kwang Joo who will going to be the next target of the criminal. The evidence they got after Ajhumma's death were the signs the criminal was the psychopath and without any reason he was punishningh innocent people. Looking forward for the next episode to find out more about what will the killer going to do next.

the building owner ajhumma become the prey for the jaw cracker guy - Voice: Episode 8 Preview
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