The more we try to understand the story the worse it gets, many things were complicated to understand other then the two So Joon and ...

Ma Rin Finds So Joon is a Time Traveler - Tomorrow With You - Episode 7 Preview

By | Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Leave a Comment
Tomorrow With You - Episode 7 Preview

The more we try to understand the story the worse it gets, many things were complicated to understand other then the two So Joon and Ma Rin married life. After So Joon finds he will disappear in future. he might regret that marrying Ma Rin wasn't the right decision and staying with her won't change his future.

Yet he thinks by the time they live together he will save his future. A mess started to appear in their married life after See Hyun started to dig in Ma Rin's life in order to help her husband find the weakness of So Joon. Also she was jealous of Ma Rin's fate which led her put fire cracker by saying So Joon might had an affair.

ma Rin feels so joon is cheating on her so she tailed him - Tomorrow With You - Episode 7 Preview

We believe things become more complicated in So Joon's life after he sees his future and try to change things for the future he forgot Ma Rin keep secrets and neglect the present. If he could have stayed honest and started a normal life thing wouldn't be this much tangled and they can both be saved in future.
Well who knows what the future is but seeing what will happen next was a given gift to the time traveler. here we also suspect the other time traveler ajhussi who looks to help So Joon and teach him how to avoid future misfortune he made So Joon actually avoid the relation with Ma Rin. She end up doubting So Joon and find out he might be a time traveler. Looking forward to find out more about So Joon and Ma Rin present and future life stay tuned.

so joon reveal himself that he is a time traveler - Tomorrow With You - Episode 7 Preview
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