No doubt Tae ho now look like the criminal psychopath. His actions started to make us feel the total nonsense how can he be at peace by do...

Tae Ho put all the Blame on Joon Oh - Missing 9 - Episode 8 Preview

By | Monday, February 13, 2017 Leave a Comment
No doubt Tae ho now look like the criminal psychopath. His actions started to make us feel the total nonsense how can he be at peace by doing all the creepy things to his fellows and friends. He never show he repent on what happened yet he become more confident to do anything in anger after putting all the blame on Joon Ho and Bong Hee as an accomplice he wasn't satisfied enough. We wonder what will he do next, will he threat Bong Hee.

Another survivor pooped up, it was the fat guy Mr Tae who was really scared of Tae ho and only can trust Mr Hwang who end up in coma due to the planned accident by the CEO of entertainment company.

Missing 9 - Episode 8 Preview

We were angry on the chairwomen who was really stupid and because of her stupidity she was loosing the crucial evidence, the witnesses and believing the murderer for the truth what happened at the island. She played a trump card and wanted to choose the side who will benefit her in the future. In other words she join hands with the criminal to bring advantage to her organization.
tae ho come back to seoul and so hee's brother ask bong hee can he trust her about her statement - Missing 9 - Episode 8 Preview

Tae Ho dragged Mr Tae from the bathroom and threat him to change the statement if not he will not be responsible for the consequences. As compare to other people Mr Tae was the weakest of them mentally so he manipulate his statement as of Tae ho told him. This angered Bong hee and she couldn't hold back. She slapped Tae ho which release our stress too.

Only So Hee's brother Prosecutor believe on Bong Hee. We wonder what will going to happen in the further episode. Also we are curious to knew how the psycho Tae Ho survived as he fell down from the cliff while fighting with Joon Ho. The details didn't reveal so we are curious about it. Stay tuned to find out more what's happening at the island.  

so hee slap tae ho as he put all the blame on joon ho - Missing 9 - Episode 8 Preview
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