It was really great watching the fantasy rom com Chicago Typewriter. Time runs so fast we are nearly at the final destination of this ...

Shin Yul betrayed Hui Young to save So Hyeon - Chicago Typewriter: Episode 15 (Review)

By | Monday, June 19, 2017 Leave a Comment
Hui young last moments - Chicago Typewriter: Episode 15  korean Drama

It was really great watching the fantasy rom com Chicago Typewriter. Time runs so fast we are nearly at the final destination of this story. Too much curiosity to knew what will happen to Se Joo and how Jin O died to become a ghost. The previous episode ends at the cliffhanger when Se Joo falls off the building remembering his past life.

The story now continues in 1930 where the Sniper Jeon Seol was caught by Japanese officer Tae Min who interrogated her and wanted to knew who's the leader of the organization. Though he successfully caught the sniper but couldn't able to made her open the mouth. But Madam Sofia black sheep double agent who already told everything to the Japanese officer and betrayed Joseon Youth Alliance.

tae Min caught the sniper Su Hyeon -
 Chicago Typewriter: Episode 15  korean Drama

As compare to the modern Se Joo, Jeon Seol and Jin O we love to watch their lighter moment back in 1930's. The way they live and carry out the mission along with their friendship was really impressive. Specially when Se Joo and Jeon Seol never miss a chance to tease each other.

hui young tease su hyeon how could she marries the mask man if she want - Chicago Typewriter: Episode 15  korean Drama

Nothing could make Japanese Officer Tae Min open Jeon Seol's mouth, to save her Jin O threw himself in the tiger's cage and spill up the beans becoming a traitor. His only motive was to save his first love and friend but on the other hand he turned out to be the one betray the head and the other friend by revealing their hideout.
shin yul reveal the hideout of joeson youth alliance to save Su hyeon - Chicago Typewriter: Episode 15  korean Drama

The curiosity in the present we were curious to knew about Se Joo will he going to be fine after falling from the building. Though he wasn't a superman, Thanks to his friend ghost Jin O who used his abilities and posses his body in order to save his life. This scene made shocked tae Min and leave a deep impression of being scared when he saw Se Joo hang up in the air and then realize Jin O was there who was not actually a human.

tae min got shocked when saw se joo hung up in the air - Chicago Typewriter: Episode 15  korean Drama

With Se Joo's effort police was able to find Jeon Seol she was in a shock when heard about Se Joo though her own condition wasn't stable enough to act normal. Se Joo was hospitalized for the first aid and mental stability.

police rescue jeon seol and hospitalize se joo - Chicago Typewriter: Episode 15  korean Drama

It was another flash back scene which continues the story of 1930 officer Tae Min along with his policemen finally raid Joeson Youth alliance hideout and attack the member, few were died and remaining spilt up. He was lucky to catch alive the emotionless head Se Joo who at the very last moment didn't give up rather taking his own life in-front of Japanese police before they could do anything. The episode ends here leaving the tail the elephant dies what happen to the tail stay tuned to find out more in th efinale of Chicago Typewriter.

hui young shoot himself infront of the japanese police - Chicago Typewriter: Episode 15  korean Drama
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