It was Ha Won's destiny to end up at Sky house with Kang Cousin's. She leave herself with the flow of time and entered Sky house. Yoon Sung take her inside the house. The Kang cousins were surprised to see Ha Won there.
Yoon Sung briefs them about the rules living at sky house during this time period. One thing which surprised Hyun Min was dating is forbiden. The three of them started to argued as they use to before.
Ha Won came to her room and place the ashes of her mother saying "Don't worry stay here for a little bit ... i'll just fine here until Dad isn't mad anymore".
Ji Woon came back because he wanted to knew something and it only can reveal while living at Sky House. Yoon Sung told Ji woon now he is at Sky house mean he choose to live as Kang Ji won but the arrogant Ji Woon refuse to accept the name given by the grandfather.
The maid mistakenly took Ha Won a new employee and politely take her to the employee residence saying "If young master see you here at this time you will be in trouble .. stay here". Ha Won become happy and replied this place is more comfortable to stay.
Yoon Sung came to find the maid and saw Ha Won he scold her saying "She is a special guest not an employee " the maid immediately apologize for her mistake. On the way back Ha Won tummy trumble voices come and she told Yoon Sung she hasn't had meal. Yeon Hoo showed his skill and prepared a hearty meal for her. Watching all this our mouth watered.
Kang Hyun Min showed his true self a play boy to Ha Won and showed he is the only one who cared for her at Sky house. Also he will be the one to protect her in future. Ha Won replied "stop talking crap" these kinds of thing won't work on me.
Before sleeping Ha Won talk to herself about the Kang cousins Kang Ji Woon "That Jerk" but Kang Soo Woo "Makes me feel at ease " and lastly Ugh that playboy it was for Hyun Min. She also remember the moment yoon Sung got umbrella for her and told the one and only rule dating with in the house can get you kicked out.
She said to herself i am not crazy why would i date any of them. She wanted to have a nice sleep but feels a bit uncomfortable as she was not use to sleep on bed she take the blanket and the pillow and lye under the computer table. We smile she was too small she easily adjust there and had a peaceful sleep.
The next day she woke up she take a look around the house. Hyun Min was peaking behind the window blinds and send a message to Ha Won "Girlfriend , i am not exactly appropriately dressed right now". She shocked to see Hyun Min room and surprised that every one can see through her room they are so close.
She wanted to knew who is in the other room and found the arrogant Ji Woon who was Pro at saying "Get Lost" after every questions reply. Ha Won become uneasy saying "I am surrounded on all sides".
Ha Won couldn't skip any of her meals she was waiting for her at the breakfast table Yoon Sung arrived and ask why aren't you eating. No body will be here listening this Ha Won surprised. The grand father via video call talk to Ha Won it was the welcome talk and also the first task for Ha Won.
She had to make the Kang cousins eat a meal together. Yoon Sung briefs after accomplishing every task you will receive a bonus it will depend on the task difficulty and the number of achievement with in the time you make.
Ha won's father left saying "Don't let Ha Won back in home" as he knew she won't stay a week out and crawl back in. We feel sorry for Ha Won bad faith.
Sectary Yoon arrived at Ha Won house to collect her belongings and brief her stay to her mother. Without knowing she already been kick out on what circumstances. The mother along with the sister surprised to hear this and become jealous all of a sudden.
Previous Post: 3 Dad One Mom Review
Seo woo bring a bouquet to Ha Won saying "He picked the bouquet from the hotel" Ha won became happy to have the bouquet back at she was looking through her stuff. She always become happy and relaxed when ever she talk to Seo Woo.
Ha Won started work on the first task given by the grandfather. She searched for Ji Woon and found him in the garage. As she was curious what he is doing here Ji Woon scold for being too nosy he doesn't like someone interfering with his life and touching his stuff.
In the last he says "Get Lost". Ha Won was about to step back suddenly Ji Woon hold her back and push Ha Woon towards himself. Ha Won was surprised by his sudden attitude and angerliy said "i told you never lay a hand on me again" and left. We thought it was Ji Woon first step to show he falls for Ha won's charm but actually he was trying to protect Ha Won who was about to hurt back with the dangerous tool pointing her back.
Yoo sung bring Ha Won's belongings to Sky House and receive the call from the chairman in a hurry he left them along the road side where the water was flowing. Ha Won angrily came out of the garage and bumped into her own belongings. Every thing fell in the water. She was dead worried how to take out her things. She step in the water and started picking up her belongings.
Seo Woo and Hyun Min came all the way looking for her and ask her to leave everything and come out, its looks silly that in cold weather she is in water. She refuse saying she value all her belongings and she will collect them back. Hyun Min said let those things go i'll buy you new one's. Ha Won "its not garbage they are my belonging". Seo won help and bring a net racket which is use to catch fish. He call Ha Won you will going to catch cold come out and i'll bring your belongings. Both the Kang cousins were caring for Ha Won.
Ji Woon was also on his way back and saw Ha Won flower bouquet flowing the water. He picked and hand it to Ha Won but seeing the other Kang cousin couldn't resist himself saying "How about you take care of your own things".

Yoon Sung on chairman's order take Ha Won for shopping. She bumped into a lady who accused her for running his crocodile skin bag she had to pay for the damage. Hye Ji interrupt it and prove the lady was lying. It wasn't the genuine bag but a fake one.
They both had a soft drink and a little chat. Yoon Sung finished shopping and came to pick Ha Won and its surprised hye ji that Ha Won is waiting for Yoon Sung. She also come to knew that Ha Won is living with Kang cousins at sky house. This made her a bit upset and jealous. She couldn't stand any one with Hyun Min.
Hyun Min was known for his flirty tricks. He call Ha Won ans ask her to meet in his room. We smiled knowing that Ha Won saved Hyun Min number as "Asshole Kang Hyun Min". She ignored the call as well as the message. Hyun Min wanted to give her something but got ignored. His act made us laugh.
He took Ha won's school uniform as a hostage and threat Ha Won if she didn't come he will cut it into pieces. Ha Won was all worried she values her belongings a lot. She went into the room, Hyun Min who can't change his habit tease Ha Won "You are the first girl to enter in my room" .
He tried his flirty tricks and acts all romantic to seduce Ha Won. Thinking She will fall for his magic. But it was his dream. Ha Won take a chance, come closer at Hyun Min face and hit his nose. It was unexpected for him we smiled. Ha Won never miss a chance to beat Hyun Min.
After getting hit Hyun Min again make Ha Won's unifrom as a hostage and grab Ha Won saying "You are becoming more and more amusing ". He was totally into Ha Won on the other hand Ji Woon along with Hye Ji walked in and saw Hyun Min romantic pose with Ha Won he was all ready to kiss her.
Ji Woon cares alot for Hye ji he doesn't want Hye Ji to see anything and get hurt by Hyun Min's act. He made hye ji walk out saying you are not feeling well it won't be good seeing him now. Let's see him next time grab her hand and left.
The episode ends with this scene leaving a suspense will Hyun Min able to kiss Ha Won or receives a beating like before. What will Ji Woon's reaction when he will see them again. Its all for now stay tuned to knew more about Kang Cousins and Ha Won life at Sky House.
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