Legend of the blue sea was a fairy tale which become more fascinating as the mermaid appears to be in the real modern world. She was wea...

Mermaid or the Cherry Thief - The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 1 (Our Thoughts)

By | Sunday, November 27, 2016 Leave a Comment
sim chung while escaping hit the whole body on glass window - The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 1 (Eng Sub)

Legend of the blue sea was a fairy tale which become more fascinating as the mermaid appears to be in the real modern world. She was wearing the Jade bracelet which was once owned by Magistrate Dam Ryung the one who saves her life back then in ancient time.

A little boy happen to witness the mermaid and was too excited but no body believes him as he loves to hear the fairy tale stories of mermaid.

 sim chung found the jade bracelet in the water and wear it a little kid saw her in the ocean but no body believe him - The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 1 (Eng Sub)

Sim Chung the mermaid appear at the place where the conman Joon Jae was staying. She came out of the water as the storm happened. She can't go back as she turned into human and was too excited having feet. It was her first time walking barefooted.
Although the mermaid become the human but didn't knew anything how to survive in human world. She barged in Joon Jae's suite and messed everything. The first encounter was really hilarious she just  threw Joon Jae like a football using her feet and fits.

 joon jae wake up from the voice and when come in the other room every thing was messed up - The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 1 (Eng Sub)

Joon Jae was surprised who she is. he just wanted to knew why she is here and what's she doing in his closet. As for Shim Chung the mermaid acting really weird make us laugh. Every time she reply using a fit or a kick.

 sim chung was in joon jae closet she saw him and scared to protect her she kick joon jae with her feet- The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 1 (Eng Sub)

We feel sorry for poor Joon Jae who wasn't at fault but receiving a punishment. Seeing all this Joon Jae become sure that the girl had some motives to barged in may be she was trying to steal something. We wonder what it would be. Joon Jae become a little friendly as he wanted to catch her off guards.

 joon jae ask the mermaid he don't want to fight in the morning all he wante dto knew what she is doing here- The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 1 (Eng Sub)

He politely ask what is she having in her hands show it to him and the next moment Sim Jung wanted to run away. She saw the ocean and thought to jump in and hide herself. Unfortunately she couldn't think of the glass window and hit her whole body.

Finally Joon Jae got the chance to capture her off guards He then tie her so she couldn't hit or run away. This encounter sure to be interesting as they were fated to meet each other.

 while escaping from there sim chung hit her whole body with the glass window and then joon jae tied her up so she couldn't run away or use her fits - The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 1 (Eng Sub)

Joon Jae as the prove took her picture and again ask what in the world did she steal. Our mouth become become wide open when it come out to be one cherry. Joon Jae was surprised too he couldn't understand what's the reason to mess the whole house just for one cherry. he called over the police and handed her.

Still he wasn't satisfied and feels something off may be he had a soft corner. he request the police to uncuff her as she didn't steal anything. But police has their own way so no words and favor change their decision.

 joon jae took some pictures of Sim Chung and when open her hand it was a cherry she steal from his suite the police came and take Sim Chung with them- The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 1 (Eng Sub)
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