Legend of the blue sea was making us travel both the modern and the ancient world along with the life story of the mermaid. Many interest...

She Ask For Help - The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 6 Preview (Our Thoughts)

By | Saturday, December 03, 2016 Leave a Comment
Legend of the blue sea was making us travel both the modern and the ancient world along with the life story of the mermaid. Many interesting things happened and we realize it look like Gulliver in the land of little people theme.

The reactions, the gestures and specially the question for the mermaid dive us crazy. Many thing unexpected happened and made us think its some hoe unclear and unrelated to the story and the scene but its Korean Drama world and we come to knew the connection and related things to it in the other scene or in further episodes.

The little girl Yoo Na in the ancient world has the ability to hear mermaid asking for help. Even though the mermaid didn't use the human language or sign but the child can understand and hear her voice. It was an amazing ability made us curious how come the child is related to her.

The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 6 Preview (Eng Sub)

As the mermaid was in modern world living as a human Shim Cheong who end up in an accident near Nam Sang tower. The little girl heard her asking for help as she was with her mom in the house we wonder how can she heard the mermaid asking for help.
Its a mystery still regarding the little child extraordinary ability to hear mermaid voice and we are sure thing will eventually reveal their connection in further episodes. She was the child who helped Shim Cheong earlier so she might had some connection with her or may be she will also help her in future.

The Legend of the Blue Sea - Episode 6 Preview (Eng Sub)
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