The story of the Goblin hooked us and we forgot to watch Lee Min Ho Legend of the Blue Sea . Only we had worries for Kim Shin The Goblin ...

Will Shin Really Going to Disappear? - Preview Goblin Ep 6 (Our Thoughts)

By | Thursday, December 22, 2016 Leave a Comment
The story of the Goblin hooked us and we forgot to watch Lee Min Ho Legend of the Blue Sea. Only we had worries for Kim Shin The Goblin , Eun Tak The Bride and the third wheel Grim reaper. Thing become really complicated as the preview shows the Queen's ring was in hand of Sunny.

It was a bit confusing if Sunny was the reincarnation of the Queen and the sister of Goblin then the and King Reincarnation might be the Grim Reaper. In the previous episode the lady in the red at the bridge said he will had to pay a big price for it. Also we have seen the King and the Queen in modern Kpop Group performing on Tv. Though its too complicated for sure things will definitely unveil their true selves in the further episodes.

The chemistry between Kim Shin & Eun Tak make our eyes teary. Though there is a big gap of age difference still we want them to be together with a happy ending.

Goblin - Episode 6 Preview (Eng Sub) - Will Kim Shin Really Going to Disappear

The two of the now become close and started to care for each other. It was the first snow and their first date. Eun Tak was determined to pull out Goblin sword in order to make him prettier. Will this be the end of Goblin suffering and the start up for Eun Tak miseries. Probably not.
As the grandma lady is red made sure that getting rid of the sword wasn't that easy. May be it will only be possible when the two of them fall in love deeply and it will be hard for Eun Tak to leave Kim Shin side then might be the right time to remove the sword and release him from the lifetime pain. But if it happen now it will be unstable for the story and may be too early to continue.

We wonder who actually Grandma lady in the red was really is? As she has too many powers but still we couldn't see her connection with any of them from past to the present. Look like may be she is the important one when she appears behind the wall where Grim Reaper erase soul memory and let them pass the next life gate smoothly.

Goblin - Episode 6 Preview (Eng Sub) - Will Kim Shin Really Going to Disappear

Things become painful when Kim Shin announce he will be leaving for ever and ask a favour from Grim Reaper. All he wanted him to help Eun Tak erase her memories. He also told him it will hard for Eun Tak to take all the blame and live in pain alone the mark on her body will also going to erase as the Goblin will be gone.

Hearing this we feel for pity for both Goblin and Eun Tak and realize Selfishness is one of the aspect of love. To love someone from the depth of your heart  become the desire to have him. There is still the mystery will Eun Tak the bride will set Free the Goblin by taking his sword as he wanted her to make him pretty.

Infact this will be the way to release his pains and suffering as an imortal. If Eun Tak do this or if she didn't still Goblin will become more miserable and depress as he become really closer to Eun Tak. But he has a faith to die no matter what.
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