So far the first episode start with the great storyline and was too impressive. We wonder what comes in writer's mind to create this pa...

Cha Min Ho Get Rid of His Fingerprints - Innocent Defendant Episode 3 Preview

By | Saturday, January 28, 2017 Leave a Comment
So far the first episode start with the great storyline and was too impressive. We wonder what comes in writer's mind to create this painful story of past and present drive the viewers go crazy. Also the villains characters give the chills looks things will be more thrilling in further episode.
We believe in Prosecutor Park, that he is innocent and the real criminal is Cha Min Ho the Psycho who is as clever as the Goblin manipulating things hiding his identity living as Cha Sung Ho. Things didn't end here he threat his sister in law to keep her mouth shut so will he. Moreover he is using money to get away for murdering the women and making the murder of his brother into a suicide. 

 Innocent Defendant Episode 3 Preview

Every one falls in Cha Min Ho's trap even his own father believes him. Wonder its only his mother who can recognize him as Cha Min Ho in first glance, though she is a mental patient. 
Things for Prosecutor Jung Woo becomes really hard. It become very frustrating for us that he has no memories to defend himself and was behind the bars. Every scene is thrilling and realistic full of emotions.
Many things make us speechless we just become anxious to knew how will the Prosecutor who suffering with Amnesia prove himself innocent. The story shows both past and present incident and make us confuse if Prosecutor Jung also has a twin.

jung woo has solid prove against cha min ho - Innocent Defendant Episode 3 Preview

He for sure knew Cha Min Ho the real criminal but for the time being he forgets how things happened that way. One of the scene from the past when Prosecutor Jung Woo shows Cha Min Ho the Identity card as the prove of the fingerprints we never though Cha Min Ho to be too clever to get rid of his own fingerprints by putting them on the hot pipe.

We wonder how will Prosecutor Jung Woo will going to broke out from the prison. Thing sin future will surely be more thrilling and exciting. As Cha Min Ho provokes him that no one can catch him. Stay tuned to find out more about Innocent Defendant in the next episode. 

 cha min ho get rid of his fingerprints so that no one can caught his lie, Innocent Defendant Episode 3 Preview
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